Monthly Archives: August 2005

>SUBJECT: Why did your boy say it?


What an asshole…

Bush Says Katrina Recovery to Take Years

AP Special Correspondent
1 hour, 24 minutes ago

WASHINGTON – President Bush pledged Wednesday to do “all in our power” to save lives and provide sustenance to uncounted victims of Hurricane Katrina but cautioned that recovery of the Gulf Coast will take years.

“We’re dealing with one of the worst natural disasters in our nation’s history,” he said at the White House after breaking off his Texas vacation and viewing the devastation from Air Force One.

With a vast federal relief effort grinding into operation — from food and shelter to spraying for disease-carrying mosquitoes — Bush cautioned that the effects of the storm will be felt far beyond Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.

He said he had ordered steps to cushion the impact on the storm on the nation’s oil industry at a time when consumers are paying $3 a gallon for gasoline in some regions. “This will help take some pressure off of gas price, but our citizens must understand this storm has disrupted the capacity to make gasoline and distribute gasoline,” he said.

Flanked by senior members of his administration, Bush recited some of the actions already taken to help victims of the storm — more than 50 disaster medical assistance teams and more than 25 urban search and rescue teams, both from the Federal Emergency Management Administration.

He said the Transportation Department has provided trucks to convey 5.4 million ready-to-eat meals, 13.4 million liters of water, 10,400 tarps, 3.4 million pounds of ice, 144 generators, 20 containers of prepositioned disaster supplies, 135,000 blankets and 11,000 cots.

“And we’re just starting,” he added.

While Bush offered no immediate estimate for the cost of the federal effort, administration spokesman Dana Perino said a funding request would be prepared quickly. Congressional leaders in both parties said they were eager to respond to a disaster whose full scope was still unclear.

Standing in the Rose Garden, Bush said, “This recovery will take a long time. This recovery will take years.”

He said buses were on the way to help take thousands of storm survivors from the overwhelmed Superdome in New Orleans to the Astrodome in Houston.

Bush said the Pentagon, as well, was contributing to the rescue and relief operations, and the administration would make road and bridge repair a priority.

Bush also said he had instructed Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman to work with refineries to “alleviate any shortage through loans.”

In addition to the government’s efforts, Bush encouraged private cash donations to recovery efforts.

While Bush did not minimize the destruction left by the storm, he expressed optimism in words directed at the victims of the storm who have lost their homes, possessions and employment.

“I’m confident that with time you’ll get your life back in order, new communities will flourish, the great city of New Orleans will get back on its feet and America will be a stronger place for it,” he said.

“The country stands with you. We’ll do all in our power to help you,” he said.

Bush stepped to the microphones to put a personal imprint on efforts his administration is making to cope with the disaster in the Gulf Coast. He also planned a rare live one-on-one television interview Thursday with ABC’s Diane Sawyer on “Good Morning America.”

“Truckloads of water, ice, meals, medical supplies, generators, tents and tarpaulins” are loaded aboard 1,700 trailer trucks in an initial emergency response, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said earlier at a news conference.

He pledged a “full range of federal resources” — a list that ran from bridge inspection and repair to restoration of communications networks to mosquito abatement in a region with vast stretches underwater.

At the same time, officials warned of continuing hardships across an area laid waste by the powerful storm.

Michael Leavitt, secretary of Health and Human Services, announced that he had declared a public health emergency in the area stretching from Louisiana to Florida. “We are gravely concerned about the potential for cholera, typhoid and dehydrating diseases that could come as a result of the stagnant water and the conditions,” he said.

Epidemic cholera and typhoid are not considered likely threats because they have become extremely rare in the U.S. population, said Richard Garfield, a Columbia University professor of international clinical nursing who helped coordinate medical care in Indonesia following last year’s tsunami.

An HHS spokeswoman, Christina Pearson, said Leavitt mentioned the two diseases “to make a broader point” about illnesses that could be spread in conditions like those on the Gulf Coast.

Chertoff and Leavitt spoke at a news conference attended by an unusual array of department and agency heads, each of whom came equipped with a list of actions already taken by the administration.

In addition to steps designed to alleviate the suffering of victims, the administration moved to cushion the impact the storm might have on the nation’s oil supply.

Bush signed off on a plan to release oil from emergency stockpiles, a decision intended to offset the loss of production from Gulf Coast refiners.

At the same time, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Stephen Johnson announced a temporary nationwide waiver of certain pollution standards covering gasoline and diesel fuels.

Johnson had issued the waiver for the four storm-damaged Gulf states on Tuesday but said the broader move was necessary “to ensure that fuel is available throughout the country, to address public health issues and emergency vehicle supply needs.”

Additionally, Bodman said the Transportation Department had waived rules governing trucker hours, a step he said would increase the supply of gasoline.


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>SUBJECT: Why did my boy say it?


[Ed note:] the original call-and-response is available at…


SUBJECT: Why did my boy say it?

No seriously: why did my boy Mr. Hersh say it?

You can assert whatever the hell you want, hell – you can assert “the war is going well” too, we all have crap we can just assert based on the varying levels of belief created by a war of “lies”.

My problem is you might convince people, and that’s – to quote the Mighty Mighty Mos’ – “The New Danger”.

This mentality is what I’m fighting – especially since it’s infected kindred spirits on our side. We’ll tear each other down with no evidence of any homework done by merely stating a confident “That’s just not reasonable!” position, which is piss-poor on it’s surface: that’s exactly what the other side is doing, as arrogant ignorance is just “in style” everywhere today.

(No offence man, this ain’t you, it’s me, it’s everybody… it’s the world we live in that can be logically broken down, and I’ve got a shitload of work to do.)

Taking it to the practical: “find” me evidence that carpet-bombing is “not” taking place, and don’t just rely on the army saying “no, we’re just bombing!”

Look it up, post links to articles discussing the bombing going on, see who’s got depth, see who’s pointing out lies, and see who’s committing sins of omission. It really should take no more than a half-hour, and since you disagree with my year of research, I’d say that’s more than fair.

I swear, I’ve got a million other things to say and don’t mind being proven wrong – it helps me evolve, so I’ll run screaming from my assertion if your findings make any sense. But, I have a feeling you’ll realize that when it comes to Iraq the critics don’t lie very much: they don’t have to, and the quality of what they say is better with deeper analysis.

The stuff that bubbles up into the MSM is bad enough, but sympathetic or not to the cause of ending the war, it is a mistake to think that it is authoritative – as you suggested re: bodycounts as well.

It’s a fine line you’re walking mate, you’re a smart informed guy in a world where this stuff just isn’t “cool” to talk about, so you’re a born leader in your clique when it comes to speaking about it as one of the few who stay “informed”. However, I prefer to judge fairly and with an open mind all the criticisms of an MSM Machine that we KNOW lies to us:

We’ve seen it. We’ll say it. Done deal. No B.S. No chaser.

Even my journalist friends agree completely.

And no, I won’t be careful: I’ll be honest.

The “insurgents” are defined by the army, and they change their minds when it’s prudent. Trust me, they say the same shit every war: “The few people we kill are bad guys, okay? Now fuck off!”

(Remember “surgical strikes”? Google “Fallujah”. I went to see an Iraqi doctor who worked the battle speak: it was and is a fucking nightmare.)

This is the best and most terrifying analysis I’ve ever seen (the article about it is crazy – and the writer is soft-selling it), and inspired my to write my song “Chokin’ on Chomsky” (“Then get a thirst for Hersh!”)

Now, don’t just sit there and say “it can’t be true”, ask “why the hell is this dood saying this?”, and realize that he’s gotten away with saying versions of “it” when it was true for 40 years.

The same breed of professional skeptics are trotted out every time and can never prove him wrong, and the mass media gets defensive when they’re called out. Richard Perle even threatened to sue him when Hersh first wrote about Abu Ghraib pre-pictures, and then he backed down hella quick.

These people don’t want Hersh’s evidence subpoenaed: they know they would lose. So, they just smear him and never fuck with him any other way despite the fact they fuck with other media outlets. Hersh even said: “You know, as much as a pain in the ass as lawsuits can be, oh please Richard: sue me!”

We can be selfishly cynical, or we can reach out to “people” who don’t have a track record of lies and see that they deserve our respect when they speak truth to power – even if they say something “wrong” in a way that’s not designed to deceive. We all make honest mistakes, being 90% right it’s a miles better ratio than anyone else, and only God gets it right 100% of the time.

The “Right” has tricked us into marginalizing and destroying our heroes, and that a mustard stain on a dude’s tie makes him a bad person.


(Gotta finish this response, lotta work to do…)

In fact, it’s been a year since this talk, and if you map what he’s saying to what we found out: homie was (is) just ahead of his time…


Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh spills the secrets of the Iraq quagmire and the war on terror

By Bonnie Azab Powell, NewsCenter | 11 October 2004
topkey Watch the Webcast: Seymour Hersh, 1 hour 22 minutes

BERKELEY – The Iraq war is not winnable, a secret U.S. military unit has been “disappearing” people since December 2001, and America has no idea how irreparably its torture of Iraqis at Abu Ghraib prison has damaged its image in the Middle East. These were just a few of the grim pronouncements made by Pulitzer Prize–winning investigative reporter Seymour “Sy” Hersh to KQED host Michael Krasny before a Berkeley audience on Friday night (Oct. 8).

The past two years will “go down as one of the classic sort of failures” in history, said the man who has been called the “greatest muckraker of all time” and (paradoxically) the “enfant terrible of journalism for more than 30 years.” While Hersh blamed the White House and the Pentagon for the Iraq quagmire and America’s besmirched world image, he was stymied by how it all happened. “How could eight or nine neoconservatives come and take charge of this government?” he asked. “They overran the bureaucracy, they overran the Congress, they overran the press, and they overran the military! So you say to yourself, How fragile is this democracy?”

From My Lai to Abu Ghraib

That fragility clearly unnerves him. Hersh summarizes his mission as “to hold the people in public office to the highest possible standard of decency and of honesty…to tolerate anything less, even in the name of national security, is wrong.” He tries his best. More than any other U.S. journalist alive today, he embodies the statement that “a patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government,” a belief defined by the conservationist Edward Abbey.

Seymour Hersh

Hersh was working the phone with sources up until the minute the presidential debate began, which he watched with a crowd in North Gate Hall.

His country has not always thanked him for it — neocon Pentagon adviser Richard Perle has called Hersh “the closest thing we have to a terrorist,” while his 1998 book on John F. Kennedy’s administration, “The Dark Side of Camelot,” cost him many friends on the left. But Hersh’s reputation remains more bulletproof than most. The author of eight books, he first received worldwide recognition (and the Pulitzer) in 1969 for exposing the My Lai massacre and its cover-up during the Vietnam War. 1982’s “The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House,” painted Henry Kissinger as a war criminal and won Hersh the National Book Critics Circle Award and the Los Angeles Times book prize in biography.

Most recently, as a staff writer for the New Yorker, Hersh has relentlessly ferreted out the behind-the-scenes deals, trickery, and blunders associated with the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Back in May 2003, he was the first American reporter to state unequivocally that we would not find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. (A mea culpa from a Slate journalist who doubted Hersh on WMDs also inadvertently confirms his prescient track record.) And in April of this year, he broke the story of how U.S. soldiers had digitally documented their torture and sexual humiliation of Iraqis at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The several articles he wrote for the New Yorker about Abu Ghraib have been updated and edited into his latest book, “Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib.”

“Bush scares the hell out of me”

Hersh came to Berkeley at the invitation of UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism and the California First Amendment Coalition. His appearance in the packed ballroom of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Student Union was the fitting end to a week of high-profile events in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement.

The Hersh event began only minutes after the second debate between President George W. Bush and John Kerry concluded. Krasny naturally asked Hersh — who had watched the debate at North Gate Hall stone-faced in the middle of a rowdy crowd — what he thought of the match.

“It doesn’t matter that Bush scares the hell out of me,” Hersh answered. “What matters is that he scares the hell out of a lot of very important people in Washington who can’t speak out, in the military, in the intelligence community. They know in ways that none of us know, the incredible gap between what is and what [Bush] thinks.”

With that, he was off and running. One could safely say that for the next hour, Hersh proceeded to scare the hell out of most of the audience by detailing the gaps between what they knew and what he hears is actually going on in Iraq.

While his writing is dense but digestible, in person Hersh speaks with the rambling urgency of a street-corner doomsayer, leaping from point to point and anecdote to anecdote and frequently failing to finish his clauses, let alone his sentences. His train of thought can be difficult to catch a ride on. This evening, it was a challenge for Krasny to slow him down long enough to get a word or question in edgewise. For example, here’s a slice of raw Hersh on the current situation in Iraq:

I’ve been doing an alternate history of the war, from inside, because people, right after 9/11, because people inside — and there are a lot of good people inside — are scared, as scared as anybody watching this tonight I think should be, because [Bush], if he’s re-elected, has only one thing to do, he’s going to bomb the hell out of that place. He’s been bombing the hell of that place — and here’s what really irritates me again, about the press — since he set up this Potemkin Village government with Allawi on June 28 — the bombing, the daily bombing rates inside Iraq, have gone up exponentially. There’s no public accounting of how many missions are flown, how much ordnance is dropped, we have no accounting and no demand to know. The only sense you get is we’re basically in a full-scale air war against invisible people that we can’t find, that we have no intelligence about, so we bomb what we can see.

And yet — despite the more than 1,000 deaths of U.S. soldiers and the horrific number of Iraqi casualties — Bush continues to believe we are doing the right thing, according to Hersh. “He thinks he’s wearing the white hat,” he said, adding that is what makes this administration different from previous ones whose hypocrisy Hersh has exposed. Bush and the neocons “are not hypocrites.”

Enter the utopians

“I think it’s real simple to say [Bush] is a liar. But that would also suggest there was a reality that he understood,” explained Hersh. “I’m serious. It is funny in sort of a sick, black humor sort of way, but the real serious problem is, he believes what he’s doing.” In effect, Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, and the other neocons are “idealists, you can call them utopians.” As Hersh understands them, they really believe that the solution to global terrorism began with invading Baghdad and will end only with the transformation of the last unfriendly government in the Middle East into a democracy.

“No amount of body bags is going to dissuade [Bush],” said Hersh, despite the fact that Hersh’s sources say the war in Iraq is “not winnable. It’s over.” As for Kerry’s war plans, Hersh said he wished he could tell him to stop talking as if the senator’s plan for Iraq could somehow still eke out a victory there. “This is a disaster that’s been going on. It’s a civil war, the insurgency. There is no ‘win’ anymore in this war,” he argued. “As somebody said, ‘We’re playing chess, they’re playing Go.'”

Later, Hersh shared something he had yet to write about. Sources were suggesting that the many acts of domestic terrorism in Iraq that U.S. officials have been attributing to suspected Al Qaeda operative Abu Musab al-Zarqawi are in fact a smokescreen set up by the insurgents. “They decided to wage war against their own population,” he said. “It’s a huge step, with enormous consequences.…The insurgency has simply deflected what they’re doing onto this man. And we fell for it.”

Seymour Hersh

‘We operate on guilt, [Muslims] operate on shame…The idea of photographing an Arab man naked and having him simulate homosexual activity, and having an American GI woman in the photographs, is the end of society in their eyes.’
-Seymour Hersh

What is worse, he said impatiently, was that because U.S. forces had “privatized” so many of Iraq’s institutions, it had decimated the job market in the country.”This is why Bush can talk about 100,000 people wanting to go work in the police or in the army. It’s because there’s nothing else for them to do. They’re willing to stand in line to get bombed because they want to take care of their family,” he said.

Hersh has been accused many times of sympathizing with “the enemy,” and told that his publicizing of incidents like the My Lai massacre and the Abu Ghraib torture only fan the flames of anti-American sentiment around the world. He related that he’s been asked if he feels guilty about the beheadings of two Americans who were wearing uniforms like those worn at Abu Ghraib. “As if the Iraqis needed me to tell them what’s going on in that prison!” he responded. He also repeated a question often posed to him: “Was it immoral to go in … [T]he idea that Saddam was a torturer and a killer, doesn’t that lend a patina of morality to going after him?” The answer to that one, he said unsmilingly, “is of course, Saddam tortured and killed his people. And now we’re doing it.”

In addition to adding more details to the woeful chronology of the Abu Ghraib scandal, in which the military stopped the abuse only after Hersh’s story brought it crashing down onto front pages around the world — four months after it was first reported to the Department of Defense — Hersh speculated on why those dehumanizing techniques had been used. He was sure that they were not, as some have claimed, the “stress outlet” or other spontaneous recreational ideas of young soldiers from West Virginia. Instead, he said, they were the outgrowth of a massive manhunt for information, any information, about first Al Qaida, the Taliban, and then the Iraqi insurgency:

My government has a secret unit that since December of 2001 has been disappearing people just like the Brazilians and the Argentineans did. Rumsfeld decided after 9/11 that he could not wait. The president signed a secret document…There’s a team of people, they fly in unmarked planes, they fly in Gulfstreams, they have their own choppers, they don’t carry American passports, and they just grab people. And maybe in the beginning I can understand there was some rationale. Right after 9/11 we were frightened, we didn’t know what to do …

The original idea behind the sexually humiliating photos taken at Abu Ghraib, Hersh said he had heard, was to use them as blackmail so that the newly released prisoners — many of whom were ordinary Iraqi thieves or even civilian bystanders rounded up in dragnets — would act as informants. “We operate on guilt, [Muslims] operate on shame,” Hersh explained. “The idea of photographing an Arab man naked and having him simulate homosexual activity, and having an American GI woman in the photographs, is the end of society in their eyes.”

And the fact that Americans had perpetrated such acts — and refused to take responsibility for it — ended America’s role as any kind of moral leader in the eyes of not just the Middle East, but the world, Hersh railed. He talked about an Israeli, a longtime veteran of the troubles between his country and the Palestinians, who had emailed him to say, in essence, “We’ve been killing them for 40 or 50 years, and they’ve been killing us for 40 or 50 years, but we know that somewhere down the line we’re going to have to live with those SOBs…If we had treated our Arabs the way you treated them in Abu Ghraib, the sexual stuff, the photographs, we couldn’t live with them. You guys do not begin to understand what you’ve done, where you have put yourself in the Arab world.”

“They just shot them one by one”

There was more — rumors of atrocities around Iraq that to Hersh brought back memories of My Lai. In the evening’s most emotional moment, Hersh talked about a call he had gotten from a first lieutenant in charge of a unit stationed halfway between Baghdad and the Syrian border. His group was bivouacking outside of town in an agricultural area, and had hired 30 or so Iraqis to guard a local granary. A few weeks passed. They got to know the men they hired, and to like them. Then orders came down from Baghdad that the village would be “cleared.” Another platoon from the soldier’s company came and executed the Iraqi granary guards. All of them.

“He said they just shot them one by one. And his people, and he, and the villagers of course, went nuts,” Hersh said quietly. “He was hysterical, totally hysterical. He went to the company captain, who said, ‘No, you don’t understand, that’s a kill. We got 36 insurgents. Don’t you read those stories when the Americans say we had a combat maneuver and 15 insurgents were killed?’

“It’s shades of Vietnam again, folks: body counts,” Hersh continued. “You know what I told him? I said, ‘Fella, you blamed the captain, he knows that you think he committed murder, your troops know that their fellow soldiers committed murder. Shut up. Complete your tour. Just shut up! You’re going to get a bullet in the back.’ And that’s where we are in this war.”

The story seemed to leave Hersh sincerely, deeply saddened. While his critics may call him a “muckraker” and unpatriotic, on Friday night it was obvious that Hersh takes the crumbling of America’s image, very, very personally.

“My parents were immigrants,” Hersh said. “They came here because America meant something…the Statue of Liberty and all that stuff, because America always was this bastion of morality and integrity and a place for a fresh start. And it’s right in front of us, not hidden, that they’ve taken this away from us.”


Black Krishna Brand

Philosophy –

Music –

“Old pirates yes they rob I
Sold I to the merchant ships
Minutes after they took I
From the bottom less pit
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the almighty
We forward in this generation
Won’t you help to sing
These songs of freedom
Cause all I ever had
Redemption songs, redemption songs

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look
Some say it’s just a part of it
We’ve got to fulfill the book

Won’t you help to sing, these songs of freedom
Cause all I ever had,
Redemption songs, redemption songs, redemption songs

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look
Yes some say it’s just part of it
We’ve got to fulfill the book

Won’t you help to sing, these songs of freedom
Cause all I ever had, redemption songs
All I ever had, redemption songs
These songs of freedom, songs of freedom…”

– Bob Marley, “Redemption Song”

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Filed under Black Krishna

>Here We Come: "There’s a natural mystic blowing through the air…"


“There’s a natural mystic blowing through the air;
If you listen carefully now you will hear.
This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last:
Many more will have to suffer,
Many more will have to die – don’t ask me why.

Things are not the way they used to be,
I won’t tell no lie;
One and all have to face reality now.
’though I’ve tried to find the answer to all the questions they ask.
’though I know it’s impossible to go livin’ through the past –
Don’t tell no lie.

There’s a natural mystic blowing through the air –
Can’t keep them down –
If you listen carefully now you will hear.

There’s a natural mystic blowing through the air.

This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last:
Many more will have to suffer,
Many more will have to die – don’t ask me why.

There’s a natural mystic blowing through the air –
I won’t tell no lie;
If you listen carefully now you will hear:
There’s a natural mystic blowing through the air.
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air;
There’s a natural mystic blowing through the air;
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air;
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air;
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air…”

– Bob Marley, “Natural Mystic”


Sheehan Glad Bush Didn’t Meet With Her

Associated Press Writer
1 hour, 18 minutes ago

CRAWFORD, Texas – A woman who led an anti-war protest for nearly a month near President Bush’s ranch said Tuesday that she’s glad Bush never showed up to discuss her son’s death in Iraq, saying the president’s absence “galvanized the peace movement.”

Cindy Sheehan’s comments came as war protesters packed up their campsite near the ranch and prepared to leave Tuesday for a three-week bus tour.

“I look back on it, and I am very, very, very grateful he did not meet with me, because we have sparked and galvanized the peace movement,” Sheehan told The Associated Press. “If he’d met with me, then I would have gone home, and it would have ended there.”

Sheehan and about 50 other peace activists arrived in the one-stoplight town Aug. 6, the day after she spoke at a Veterans for Peace convention in Dallas. She and a few others spent that night in chairs in ditches, without food or flashlights, off the main road leading to the president’s ranch.

The Vacaville, Calif., woman vowed to stay until Bush’s monthlong vacation ended unless she could question him about the war that claimed the life of her 24-year-old son Casey and more than 1,870 other U.S. soldiers.

Two top Bush administration officials talked to Sheehan the first day, but the president never did — although he has said that he sympathizes with her and acknowledged her right to protest. His vacation is to end Wednesday, two days early, so he can monitor federal efforts to help victims of Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast.

Sheehan’s vigil attracted crowds of other anti-war demonstrators. Most stayed a few hours or days at the original roadside camp or at the second, larger site about a mile away on a private lot offered by a sympathetic landowner.

The massive response has transformed her life, she said.

“I thought our country was going down, down, down. I thought nobody cared about our children killed in the war, but millions care, and millions care about our country and want to make it better,” she said. “The love and support I’ve received give me hope that my life can someday be normal.”

The protest also sparked counter rallies by Bush supporters who accused Sheehan of using her son’s death to push the liberal agenda of groups supporting her. Critics also said the anti-war demonstration was hurting U.S. troop morale while boosting the Iraqi insurgency.

Many Bush supporters pointed out that Sheehan never spoke against Bush or the war when she and other grieving families met the president about two months after her son died last year.

Sheehan said she was still in shock over Casey’s death during that meeting. She said she became enraged after independent reports disputed Bush administration claims that Saddam Hussein had chemical and biological weapons — a main justification for the March 2003 invasion.

After leaving Crawford, protesters will spread their message on a three-week “Bring Them Home Now Tour” with stops in 25 states. Buses on three routes will meet in Washington, D.C., for a Sept. 24 anti-war march.

Sheehan will leave the tour next week to spend time with her family, including her mother who recently suffered a stroke, which caused Sheehan to miss a week of the protest. She plans to attend the march in the nation’s capital, hoping to reunite with people who converged on the Texas roadside that came to be known as “Camp Casey.”

“When I first started here, I was sitting in the ditch thinking, `What the heck did I do? Texas in August, the chiggers, fire ants, rattlesnakes, uncomfortable accommodations’ — but I’m going to be sad leaving here,” Sheehan said. “I hope people will say that the Camp Casey movement sparked a peace movement that ended the war in Iraq.”


On the Net:

Bring Them Home Now Tour:


Center Seeks to Reopen ‘Naked Boys’ Show

Associated Press Writer
Tue Aug 30,10:18 AM ET

MILWAUKEE – Those “Naked Boys Singing!” hope to resume taking off their clothes next month. The Milwaukee Gay Arts Center plans to reopen the musical revue, which features nudity, in mid-September, Richard Hart, the center’s attorney, said Monday.

Police shut down the show Aug. 18 in a dispute over whether the center needed a theater license for the production. The center received a letter Friday from the city’s license division indicating officials believed the center’s nonprofit status meant it did not need a theater license after all, Hart said.

The center started staging performances of “Naked Boys Singing!” Aug. 11 and was scheduled to continue them until Sept. 3.

“Naked Boys Singing!” has run into trouble with authorities before in such cities as Provincetown, Mass.; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Atlanta. Eventually, all three cities held performances of the show.

The claim filed last week contends that police selectively enforced the license ordinance against the center and seeks about $630,000 in punitive damages, legal fees and lost revenue. It says that proceeds from the production had been designated for various AIDS research groups and theater groups.

“This issue has really put a black eye on the city,” said Don Hoffman, a co-director of the center.


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>Black Krishna Gets Bitch-Slapped!


Brother …. I love ya! And I mean that with sincerity and respect !!!

I’ve been a fan of Alex Jones for 5 years now and when I started telling you about it quite some time ago you blew me off !!! 🙂 I’ve got all of his movies.

I’m glowing here brother !!!!

But now that I’ve had that moment … it’s really good to hear you write that email mate!!!

It seems that our paths of truth took different routes, but we’re both on our way to the same party 🙂 After all, truth is only that.

Brother …. life is good … I’m having a good summer, and I’m purifying my mind, body, and spirit just a little bit more every day – Kaizen!

Keep well, keep healthy, and keep me in the loop!

Peace and longevity my friend

“Cowardice asks the question – is it safe? Expediency asks the question – is it politic? Vanity asks the question – is it popular? But conscience asks the question – is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right.”

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

heya spensei,

love you too brother, good to hear from you.

and yeah, sorry for being a bitch, my bad.

(and indulge or ignore, this is turning cathartically into a blog.)

i’m bowing…

now i’m trying to save other bitches in addition to the world…

i guess being “me” it’s the soul of my mission: middle-class cocky motherfucker comes clean about his sins, and reveals the dark secrets of his clique. we get took ’cause we almost never really get shook: life is laid out for us to succeed, so we suck system-dick in a major way that makes us arrogantly ignorant… just like the Red States! 😛

honestly, i’ve been on the Alex Jones tip for a while, but only in a more dedicated way recently with the next “9/11” coming soon – look at Bush’s approval numbers, he needs it.

i felt i needed to work my way backwards again to connect-the-dots with others on “The Spectrum of the Left”, and worked the soft-mushy-middle for the last election just because i knew the Left “base” had a better shot at reaching him if we put Kerry in power, and that most people were paranoid about anything that might scare off swing-votes.

it was a mistake.

we played into the “smooth-like-a-G.I. Joe” Kerry campaign against Big Bush-Balls in a time of “war”… the fact that it was stolen again notwithstanding. but, i felt i was playing for a team that had a plan so i supported it, and hadn’t developed the foundation to argue as effectively as i do now for an overhaul of OUR “intelligence”.

i saw 9/11: Road to Tyranny last summer and it messed me up, especially the Oklahoma bombing stuff, which made it superior to this latest flick in a sad way: the media wasn’t as consolidated, and Alex had more of their own local “This is complete bullshit!” footage to work with, especially when attacking Clinton was in style. it’s a damned shame to see the once proud profession of “journalism” corporately humbled to its knees like this, and local TV’s independence and benefit to their respective communities neglible at best. while they’ve always “lied”, today the contrary proof being widely disseminated and appreciated is being shit-on as a major threat: no wonder we are taught to say we “hate” conspiracy theories.


everyone has a few they like.

i only shared it with a very select few, and didn’t have the heart to take out on my friends. i was also often playing “kaiser soze with-a-limp” when just kickin’ it, acting extree-pussy just to get by and take the edge off the messiah complex, and to equivocate the monkey-poo-poo politics we fling at each other. i know everyone else tailors their info to their audiences, so this was cool with me until the tipping point of justifying demonizing muslims unfairly.

besides corroborating what he said and independently verifying the logic of how potentially evil bad guys could be – both in their current incarnation and historically, i needed to build a body of work before i pimp’d this hardcore stuff anyway.

the corroboration across what i call “The Spectrum of the Left” was needed, and now i know how they all work together in ways that nobody understands: from Jon Stewart, to Michael Moore, to Alex Jones, to everyone not a Neo-Con Nazi hell-bent on ruling the world – or their Brown Shirts’n’Red States. shit is real now, the fascists are moving hella fast, and the “Soft Left” position has moved way to the right.

so, we can either “win” or we can “beef” on some slave shit, and knowing how the “Left” works i’m working on my Emancipation Proclamation right here and right now.

i don’t know what the fuck is wrong with people when they think: “you’re either in or out” when it comes to so-called “conspiracy theory”, save for being brainwashed into thinking it is a unique dichotomy or the potential social stigma.

i know jewish and muslim homiez who eat bacon, and as a hindu i eat beef: so like billions of others, if we can apply freedom of interpretation with our ** RELIGION ** than why can’t we be flex with “conspiracy theory”?

what, for a “movie” we’ve now got to be “orthodox” or ignore it completely?

fuck that shit.

i had a buddy tell me today he watched it based on my email, and was impressed by nearly everything (especially “building 7” stuff) save for the last part – he thought the “Arnie” stuff ruined it and shouldn’t have been in there, it was too speculative. but, he was glad he watched it, cool with learning new stuff, and impressed overall with a more open mind to contrary information: it stirred the nagging doubts he had in his mind awake again, which will only help in future interpretations of the “news”.

i appreciated that, and countered with the fact that keeping a few “roadmaps to hell” around ain’t a bad idea just to make sure we’re not driving there, and that he provided crucial information about the character of The Man Who Would Be President we wouldn’t get anywhere else to make the best call in 2008.

(i don’t wanna call my man out, but after we finish our planned convo his disbelief is going to boil down to the fact that it’s the future so we just don’t know, and based on a review of the evidence the possibilities are roughly what the movie estimated. even Bush Sr. was quoted as saying “Don’t bet against Arnold as our next President”, and of all the people who’ve held influence over the Republican Party over the last 25 years, he would know…)

you can buy into individual fractions 100% and come around to the rest later, or just leave it be. they always jack Michael Moore the same way, by bringing up 5 questionable minits in a 2 hour film to discredit him entirely: you don’t think a “smoking gun” wouldn’t have been celebrated by the bloodthirsty media hatin’ on him anyway?

where was it?

what is it?

friends even echo this shit, like it’s “cool” to say he lies despite the fact that they can’t “name” a lie, and looking back they can always name a dozen truths…

really, belief is better when it’s an individual, educated and gradual process that doesn’t spark “fear” at any radical transformation: look at the Fascist Rovebots in the U.S., i dare you to tell me they’re “happy”, mindlessly barking like rabid GOP attack puppies. i can have a 2 hour convo with a homie and only believe an hour of it, but i can REALLY believe it, because information is in individual chunks – you can add select shit together yourself to theorize, and just because you don’t know it yet doesn’t automatically mean that it’s a lie.

the fascist, “normative”, inclusive knowledge-base idea of “should” is creeping into everything we do, and questions like “WHY would you do that?” are becoming more commonplace, so i’m pimping the answer: “because i fucking WANT to.”

i hope it works, and i hope i can say it straight or cursing a fucking blue-streak.


i can’t think of anyone who deserves to be called “motherfucker” more than the people responsible for this mess – like i did in “Chokin’ on Chomsky”, even though a veteran dub poet friend of mine lamented it for limiting the song’s exposure. i’ll probably make a “clean” version for practical purposes, but i don’t wanna sanitize these bastards when most people can freely say they’re just “shootin’ the shit”.

that makes no sense: this how swear words are supposed to be used in anger – ripping those who deserve it the most.

i ain’t taking no shit anyway: we know the mainstream media lies.

we say it. that’s a done deal.

and, this generation now knows they lie now more than ever – in large part thanks to Mr. Moore and Fahrenheit 9/11.

what we may not know is that in 1980 the mass media were owned by 50 companies: now it’s 5. with Bush Sr.’s VP hand up his ass, good ol’ Ronny Reagan also ripped up the “fairness doctrine” and used it to mop the brow under his fake Stetson.

logically on the Left, after 5 years of lies we’ve nearly all established that the character of the people we’re attacking is absolutely abhorrent – who else could lie like this and get a thousand second chances? they’re doing more damage than a thousand child molesters by killing millions of innocent iraqi’s – including hundreds of children a day, not to mention the wounded, and the massive destruction of family, culture, and country…

…if this happened here, it would be far worse than anyone’s worst nightmare.

and yes… it’s millions.

we just gotta wait for it.

unlike the grotesque bodycounts from Vietname, they don’t even track how many are killed now – so how do they know it’s “insurgents”? how do they carpet-bomb “insurgents”? and what Iraqi worth his flag wouldn’t fight when the U.S. military and government has shown they’re corrupt and evil as fuck? (see: HALLIBURTON; see: PRIVATE CONTRACTORS; see: GUANTANAMO; see: ABU GHRAIB; see: DOWNING STREET.)

they won’t tell us what they’re doing, there’s no reporters in the field who aren’t “embedded”, and those guys don’t get to go on missions into the field unless they suck green army-dick. in fact, many are sent home if they ask tough questions, and others will pop-off just as they are about to leave to the applause of their press comrades but to no avail. (see: HIJACKING CATASTROPHE, a great flick.)

unlike Vietnam, the U.S. Congress isn’t demanding an accounting of how many bombs they drop – and with periodic “$87 billion” increases in defence spending, there’s gotta be a lot. there’s also no reporting of missions by private contractors who make up 20% of the troops, and hardly any by the army-proper save for maybe one or two a day: with 140,000+ troops there that’s categorically insane.

with Vietnam costing THREE MILLION “insurgent” lives 30 years ago vs. 58,000 on “the wall” for the U.S., or a murder rate of 60 to 1, it stands to reason bigger planes with bigger bombs, torture, and free-fire zones will all add up the hidden bigger bodycount quickly. they are disregarding former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara’s “Fog of War” learned lessons from Vietnam about proportionality being a guideline, and if you look again: it’s many of the same motherfuckers that they ever were.

so: disbelieving ** ANYTHING ** about these motherfuckers without checking it first in the face of an illegal and immoral war, and 5 years of torturing innocent goat-herders that’s getting them no intelligence as is currently proven conclusively by the war going terribly…

…makes absolutely no sense.

as a dude in england who checked my blog said, i probably have 200 – 300,000 words written, mostly on this shit, though i have absolutely no idea who’s reading it. a few friends/strangers let me know on occasion but comments are rare, and between me just posting whole articles as historic “proof” and the varied styles i’ve used, it’s probably tough for peeps to hang on anyway.

it blows my mind how we allow actions to cancel each other out, like “so-and-so wouldn’t/couldn’t/shouldn’t do that” or it detracts from their credibility.

i had a buddy say a while back that “Ralph Nader should stick to what he does best”; and i countered with “have you seen the assholes in politics? shouldn’t we encourage anyone who’s not an asshole to help clean out the system?” a run for President may be tactically in error and well-beyond his grasp, but the principle is solid, and as other friends put it when i asked: no they wouldn’t want any of the politicians we were seeing on TV to join us at the party – so why the fuck we let them be in charge?

as an individual human being, if i can watch Shrek 2, Memento, Fahrenheit 9/11 and Casablanca, and understand and appreciate each: then why can’t i create the same? why do any of them detract from the credibility of each other? qualitatively i’m sold on the idea of liking individual creations, but denying a person can express various facets of their personality that are proven to exist by the information they take “in” is just artificially limiting and asinine: put it “out” there man!


also, as i said in my email: i don’t like waking people up who aren’t being especially destructive. most of my peers are well-educated nice people, and just like everybody’s got an asshole, everybody’s got opinions they’re smugly proud of. i’ve got a lot of cocky, smart and very good looking friends (i call them my “peers” really), and until my boy flipped out on me i hadn’t decided when to put the word out and beg for a challenge.

but… now i’m good.

who wannit gonna get it, who scared gonna run.

no disrespect, but you ain’t sayin’ i’m wrong unless you proving it.

timing seems to work out well for me, being on this “save da world” tip is giving me some good karma, and keeping me in a very happy headspace despite the tortured ramblings i’m tossing into the world. i was planning on doing this anyway – letting the world know the craziest shit i’ve seen that’s actually true. even though i’ve been unusually quiet for a minit putting all this together, from the very beginning of my 5 year plan to save the world i said the following:

“You know how nobody knew what the hell 2Pac was talking about? That’s not going to happen to me. I’m going to research it, write it down, and be un-fuck-wittable. If you want to see what I “mean” or find my “proof”, just check my website. And then believe me or battle me, it’s your call, I’m game…”

so, there you have it, and that’s the next stage: organizing all this crap into separate narratives, so anyone can click on them to figure out what’s what.

my album is FINALLY done with 2 more being worked on, and i’ve got a bunch of gigs coming up – including ones i don’t know about: every time i put my toe in the swimming pool there’s water there for me to swim, nah mean? 😉

anyway, this turned into a blog, so thanks for the bitch-slappin’, keepin’ me humble is hard, but i’m now entering your dojo, oh great and noble and wise spensei…

peace, (NOW!!!)

“Here come the… here come the…
Here come the… PAIN (PAIN)…

Uplift your soul,
Get your house in order,
MC’s be actin’ like they walkin’ on water,
I’ll break you down like a poem wrote in Haiku,
Who you gonna lie to?
Boy I crucify you,
Hammer to the nails,
Commence the impaling,
My acid flashbacks,
Got everything trailin’,
I’m sailing blind on the open seas,
Like an overloaded boat of Haitian refugees,
And I’m on my knees,
My face on the rug,
One more prostration, for my salvation,
My jins’ buckin’ up,
It’s got me fuckin’ up,
They’re callin’ my flesh,
But my soul won’t mesh…


So lick a shot, when I heat up the spot,
I’m taking from the have’s,
‘Cause I be the have nots,
Lick a shot, when I heat up the spot,
Boy, where you gon’ run when the gun get hot,
So lick a shot, when I heat up the spot
I’m taking from the have’s
‘Cause I be the have nots,
Lick a shot, when I heat up the spot,
Boy, where you gon’ run when the gun get hot…

Here come the… here come the…
Here come the… PAIN (PAIN)…

I got the pressures of the world,
Comin’ down, all around me,
I thought I was lost, but thank God you found me,
I’m gettin’ crazy ideas of suicide,
Lord I tried… Lord I tried…
To make the best of what I got,
I keep on takin’ pot-shots,
From the critics and the media,
That’s what it be to ya,
But you can stick it where the sun don’t shine,
‘Cause I’m goin for mine,
I rock it all the time,



So lick a shot, when I heat up the spot,
I’m taking from the have’s,
‘Cause I be the have nots,
Lick a shot, when I heat up the spot,
Boy, where you gon’ run when the gun get hot,
So lick a shot, when I heat up the spot
I’m taking from the have’s
‘Cause I be the have nots,
Lick a shot, when I heat up the spot,
Boy, where you gon’ run when the gun get hot…

– House of Pain, “The Have Nots”


BONUS: Where are we going?

“She swears there’s nothing wrong,
But something’s missing,
She’s never been much good at tellin’ lies….”

– Garth Brooks, “I’ve Got A Good Thing Going”

Chiggidy-check yo’self…

Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State (2005)

Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America.

Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.

Downloaded: 4,805 times


MARTIAL LAW 911: RISE OF THE POLICE STATE Information Resource Companion Web Site.


P.S. Here’s an example of documentation from the Martial Law website…



0:05:25 Master Blaster: A New Noisemaker – MSNBC (From Newsweek July 12, 2004 issue)
0:09:32 NYC police arrest two in bomb plot – The Washington Times/UPI, August 28, 2004
0:09:33 Terror Threat Info May Be Dated – CBS News/AP, August 3, 2004
0:10:07 Blimp to provide convention coverage for police – CNN August 26, 2004
0:10:08 Fuji Blimp Plays Role in GOP Convention Security – 1010 WINS, August 30, 2004
0:10:11 Hi-tech blimp is new spy in the sky – The Times, September 13, 2003
0:10:31 Security blimp tested in Washington skies – CNN, September 29, 2004
0:10:33 COPS HAVE EYES ON X-RAY VISION –, June 4, 1999
0:11:15 Fuji Police Bicycles –
0:11:23 Eye in the Sky—and Everywhere Else: Do Biometric Technologies Violate Our Rights? – The Cato Institute, January 24, 2002
0:12:24 Helmet cams will eye GOP confab – NY, August 26, 2004

Please report any corrections or broken links


Filed under Black Krishna

>Next to Ma Dukes, My Second Favorite Quintessential Housewife: Ms. Randi Rhodes!

>Okay, as a Randi Rhodes Scholar, I’ve gotta say, she ain’t no housewife.

(To quote the great Seinfeld: “Not that there’s anything wrong with that!”)

But she’s brilliantly plain-spoken, and conscious MILF’s turn me on.

What can I say?

Hell, I ain’t gonna front…

I like’s me a woman that knows what she’s doing…




“Thinkin’ back,
Reminiscing on my teens,
A young G,
Gettin’ paid, offa dope fiends,
Fuckin’ off cash that I make,
Nigga, what’s tha sense of workin’ hard?
If you never get to play?
I’m hustlin’,
Stayin’ out ’til it’s dawn,
And comin’ home,
At 6 o’clock in tha mornin’,
Hands on my glock,
Eyes on tha prize,
Finger on tha trigga when a nigga rides,
Shootin’ craps,
Bustin’ niggas out tha door,
Pick my money off tha floor,
God bless tha tre-four,
Stuck on full, drunk again,
Sippin’ on gin,
With a couple of friends,
Sayin’ those thug life niggas be like major pimps,
Stickin’ to tha rules is what made it simp,
And if I die,
Let it be,
But when they come for me,
Bury me a G…


I ain’t got time for bitches,
Gotta keep my mind on my motherfuckin’ riches,
Even when I die,
They won’t worry me,
Mama don’t cry,
Bury me a G…”

– Tupac Shakur, “Bury Me A G”


Filed under Black Krishna

>"I’m really sorry man, so many smart peeps argue stat-quo logic that I feel guilty correcting it…"


[Ed note:] the full convo is at…


I’m really sorry man, so many smart peeps argue stat-quo logic that I feel guilty correcting it, I’d rather just do it in my art, but I gotta say your math is fuzzy…

1) If “war” works to boost economies than it needs to take a while: the 3-day invasion of Panama in 1989 didn’t do squat.

However, that doesn’t matter anyway, as this Administration has absolutely no interest in improving the economy – save for repeating “the growing economy” in front of cameras. Look up Paul Krugman at the NY Times, he and every other economist worth his salt will say that going from a $5 trln Clinton-surplus to a $7 trln Bush-debt is a bad idea… and there’s a million more arguments.

But the proof is in the actions: he’s “staying the course” to hell, just like with everything else, and dragging the nation down with him. Your “Nazi” examples are no coincidence: once massive social instability is achieved then Fascism will be easy to implement: a freaked-out population will always look to the government for protection – and these are Patriot Act I, II, and III guys. C’mon: after 5 years of lies, can they be trusted?

I’m amazed that the world takes what they say “straight” anymore – this is the control of the mass media, but if you just step back and think about it: have they ever said ***ANYTHING**** that was “true”? What’s their batting average? You can’t just look at what’s being said, look at what’s happening: “we condemn torture” (no you don’t), “we’re making progress” (no you’re not), and on and on…

2) Winning the “war” now and installing a “real” democracy would prove great – even Vietnam forgave the U.S. after 3mm were tortured and killed, resumed normal relations, and are doing alright now. Iraq’s a little trickier, the torture stuff is really ruining their rep in the Middle-East, but it’s just like dealing with a bully without any friends: they’d chill out, and wouldn’t be able to “pull a Chavez” now that 14 U.S. bases are built there – and btw, the war won’t stop until construction is completed: how long did the Skydome take?

Again, the army’s always been the “$1000 toilet-seat” type, but incompetence and corruption on this scale is unreal, especially when they’ve been repeatedly and publicly called out for it – the whole world knows, whether we know or not, as their media will report what ours doesn’t about us with less fear of reprisal.

When Rumsfeld holds a press conference to brazenly announce that “3” out of 100 Iraqi army divisions are trained so far in A YEAR, and “there’s different ways of looking at it” (Jon Stewart crack’d on him good), then you have to ask yourself: what are they trying to sell us here? Why are they trying to break our intellectual will so we don’t call them out? Who are they training to justify that as “progress”?

It’s brilliantly complicated… we don’t live in a “binary” world, so no one argument is a trump card: sometimes they lie, sometimes they tell the truth as a result of a tonne of lies and go “oops!” – on purpose, and when we accept it we get weaker as a society that should demand accountability from our leaders.

If you go thru my stuff you’ll see I’ve figured out a lot of it over the last year, and I won’t take all the credit: I’ve had to sift through a tonne of info.

Great flick to check if you have a minute that could save the world:

Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State (2005)

and it has a companion site with “mainstream” nuggets of truth:

Welcome to the MARTIAL LAW 911: RISE OF THE POLICE STATE Information Resource Companion Web Site.

Don’t front: I actually goaded a Republican into watching it and he ran screaming from the meat of the matter. Most of those Rovebots couldn’t or wouldn’t touch it, their “Talking Point” arguments are incredibly flimsy – but catchy. You can see the results here:

Anyway, enough fresh game, I’ll let one of my songs take it home…

…and I wrote the mofo in January.


“It’s the dawn:
Of the neo-con…

Of a hellish-bond…

Church, state, and biz:
Nazi-kids, of an older-God…

Why we in the streets!!!

Why we ridin’ beats!!!

Next these motherfuckers-

Rosa Parks seat!!!”

– Black Krishna, “Chokin’ on Chomsky”

Peace, (NOW!!!)


Black Krishna Brand

Philosophy –

Music –

P.S. A friend sent me a great quote in response to me pimpin’ the flick…

“Cowardice asks the question – is it safe? Expediency asks the question – is it politic? Vanity asks the question – is it popular? But conscience asks the question – is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but one must take it because it is right.”

– Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Filed under Black Krishna

>Guest Blog – Courtesy of Ma Dukes: The Freedom of the Dry Leaf

>[Ed note: coming back from a 4 hour walk ’til 4 am, where oddly enough I stumbled upon a bust of South American revolutionary hero Simon Bolivar in a local park and had a quick polite conversation, I checked this email…]

I think this is a good one. love. mom


The Freedom of the Dry Leaf

The highly esteemed Astavakra Geeta compares the enlightened man (or woman) with a dry leaf (shushka-parna, verse 18:21). Having no desire of his own, without a personal agenda at all, he moves about in the world in utter freedom.

Fear drives us into activity many times and desire does so at other times. Talking of fear, some are afraid of gross things like physical punishment, financial loss or losing some facility or privilege. Others are afraid of not receiving attention, love or regard. We are afraid that our image in others’ eyes will suffer if we do not act in a particular way. Alas, many dynamic people among us are active out of sheer attachment to their image.

The truly free are those whose actions are not prompted by fear. Leave alone clinging to an image, they do not have a self-image! This makes the matter a bit abstract obviously for we cannot generally think of living without a certain self-image. Yet, in true freedom, one lives in a different dimension altogether. The dry leaf has no force inside it that drives it. It just goes with the wind.

Coming to desire, we have typically some imagination of a happy life. We believe happiness comes from certain objects, certain comforts and conveniences and certain ways of being received or talked to. We want them. How did we develop these beliefs? It is surely a set of conditionings. It is the work of memories of our past experiences. With our limited intelligence, we fondly cling to the memory of some objects or people while actually those objects or people may have changed a lot in the meantime.

The truly free are those whose mind is purged of all the psychological memories. They live in the present and are open to new avenues of happiness. A new place, a new acquaintance and so on are welcome. There is no resistance or aversion to change. The dry leaf does not tell the wind not to take it in certain directions.

Fear and desire are psychological factors that drive us from inside. These bind us; factors outside do not. The truly free are those who respond to situations with a fresh mind and go with the flow. Their yes and no arise from a pure evaluation of external factors and there is no personal prejudice, safeguard or agenda at all.

Swami Chidananda

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

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Filed under Black Krishna

>Iraq Wars – Episode Two: Do You Believe In Math?



I read the news…

I’m well informed about the world…

Dammit, I sure as hell know what’s going on…


Let’s say…

50 insurgents are dying a day, that’s more than is reported with the car-bombs and such-not, so I’d say it’s a fair number for my radical pinko ass to work with.

And let’s say the war lasts 10 years…

Let’s see…


That’s (50 x 365 days a years) = 18,250 insurgent deaths a year.

That’s (18,250 x 10 years) = 182,500 insurgent deaths over a 10 year period.


I mean really, that’s not that bad for a freakin’ “war”…



An estimated 2 – 3 million Vietnamese died over that 10 year war.




If that was the case, then over 10 years we have different math…

Let’s even aim low…

That’s (2,000,000 / 10) = 200,000 insurgents per year dying in Vietnam.

That’s (200,000 / 365) = 547.945 insurgents per day dying in Vietnam.


That’s 10x more than even the lowest daily news we get from Iraq.



Plus, according to journalist Seymour Hersh:

“There’s no public accounting of how many missions are flown, how much ordinance is dropped, we have no accounting and no demand to know. The only sense you get is we’re basically in a full-scale air war against invisible people that we can’t find, that we have no intelligence about, so we bomb what we can see.”


If this has changed I’d like to know, all I know right now is the companies that are supplying those bombs are making obscene profits, including Frank Carlucci and George Bush Sr. and Tony Blair (?) at The Carlyle Group, and Dick Cheney at Halliburton.



They must be buying a lot of bombs.

They must be dropping a lot of bombs.


I wonder if continuous carpet-bombing could kill more than 50 people a day?

I wonder how they target “insurgents” from 20,000 feet in the air?




Exclusive By Rupert Hamer
Sunday Mirror, UK

TONY Blair is expected to join one of the most exclusive groups of businessmen in the world after he leaves Downing Street.

The PM is being lined up for a highly lucrative position with the Carlyle Group – an American-based investment giant with strong links to the White House and the defence industry.

The firm has been nicknamed “The Ex-Presidents Club” because it has had a host of former world leaders on its books including George Bush Senior, his former secretary of state James Baker and former British PM John Major. There a also a large number of former US Army top brass.



Aw fuck it, my head hurts, and I hate math anyway…


“We create,
The monsters we hate…
We debate,
‘Til, sitcoms at 8…

We can’t relate,
To that much hate…
We should hesitate,
60 to 1 was too late…

We create,
The monsters we hate…
We debate,
‘Til, sitcoms at 8…

We can’t relate,
To that much hate…
We should hesitate,
3 million was too late…”

– Black Krishna, “We Create Monsters We Hate”


Peace, (NOW!!!)


Black Krishna Brand

Philosophy –

Music –


Filed under Black Krishna

>Iraq Wars – Episode One: Do you believe in math?


Dueling Demonstrators Descend on Texas

Associated Press Writer
56 minutes ago

CRAWFORD, Texas – Several thousand people descended on President Bush’s adopted hometown Saturday, attending a rally supporting him or arriving for the last leg of an anti-war demonstration near his ranch.

The pro-Bush rally by the school football stadium was the culmination of the “You don’t speak for me, Cindy!” tour that started last week in California — referring to the protest that peace activist Cindy Sheehan started Aug. 6 near Bush’s ranch.

Several times the crowd of about 1,500 chanted, “Cindy, go home!”



BONUS: Teacha da youth da trouth…


I’m sorry guys, you’re using their “muslim fanatic warrior” stereotype against our side of the argument, and lots of peeps do this – I just scrapped with a hip hop homie today about it briefly, and he was pissed I called his arguments “nonsense”.

It’s not true: the U.S. is beyond incompetent, beyond corrupt, and beyond planning to end this… are there any other solutions on the table? Didn’t 90% of middle-class Arabs want to send their kids to the U.S. (or Canada) for a better education? Wasn’t Iraq a “secular” country? Doesn’t the U.S. have great domineering relations with neighboring countries?

Believe me, if they said: “Close your fucking borders or we cut off support for your fucking dictatorship!” there’s no way they’d be open…

Now I’m not saying that what you’re saying is wrong, merely that it’s no “trump card” argument.

The muslim fighters are fighting like hell – just like we would if Canada was being carpet bombed into the stone-age, but this is classic stuff:

Nixon got elected in 1968 largely based on his “secret plan to end the war”.

It went on until 1975.

Nixon was brought into politics by Prescott Bush (Dubya’s Grandpappy), who funded his runs for President 3x before he won it. Prescott used to sell arms to the Nazi’s until 1951… well after he got arrested for doing it in 1942 when the U.S. went to WWII. What does this mean? A historically war-profiteeing scumbag put another scumbag in, got him to lie, and extended the war to secretly and illegally blow up Cambodia too…


You can have fun Googling or take my word for it, it’s all about “qui bono”, or “who profits”, and there’s only one way to take your serious coin and make even more serious in the war-biz: long drawn-out wars with taxpayer money and ballooning debts to cover it.

War is the only thing that govts. will spend fortunes on to “win”, as you saw when war-support was high with the proud announcements by Bush each time he squeezes a tonne money out of Congress.

Can you imagine Bush saying “I’ve authorized an $87 billion appropriation for health-care?”

It wouldn’t fly.

But war?

A freaked-out population is proud to endorse it, not realizing that multiple $87 billion’ish appropriations later the soldiers still don’t have frikkin’ body-armor…

That’s really it man: please, don’t put it on the muslims.

They don’t “want” to fight, the people that went over there to fight do – they’ve been planning it for years. I’ve been puttin’ it down like this for a minit nah, since before my very first blog ripping an article from The Toronto Star – a paper I genuinely like that unfortunately reprinted similar crap by a misguided Pulitzer Prize winner…

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Jihad vs. Journalism


Black Krishna Brand

Philosophy –

Music –


Filed under Black Krishna

>Fighting Fascism? Fear? Facts? Follow The Bouncing Bush-Balls of Bullshit!


599 views, 41 replies, and defiant ignorance sold with a passion…

It’s hard to believe these are the “smart” ones…

If you want to see how they don’t think, go ahead, take a look…


The proof is in the pudding: yours is shit.

Chris, you’ve got to learn to fly planes to crash them into buildings at a 1000 miles an hour.

B.E., well argued as always, your utter lack of anything to say is truly classic stuff, and you really make it hard to argue with the invisible vapor you call arguments.

I commend you both: you’ve been trained to ignore reason, evidence and logic very well, dealing with almost nothing that’s been said while angrily lashing out in an impressive fear of facts. Your loyalty to the lies of your fascist masters is truly stunning, and perhaps you’ll even win by doggedly ignoring “honest debate”, and repeating your vigorous disagreement with something you refuse to understand.

Enjoy the world you’re creating: you have a real passion for being ignorantly pissed-off, and you wear it well on your Brown Shirt sleeves…



Black Krishna Brand

Philosophy –

Music –

599 views, 41 replies, and defiant ignorance sold with a passion…

It’s hard to believe these are the “smart” ones…

If you want to see how they don’t think, go ahead, take a look…



Quoting myself:

“For now, just have those images of Guantanamo on the Hudson, the Secret Police, people standing in the gaping holes of the towers despite supposed heat hot enough to melt steel, firefighters claiming they heard multiple explosions in the buildings before they fell, firefighters recorded saying the fires were almost out inside the building near the top floors, 9/11 victims families screaming at the press to pay attention to them, Michael Moore getting punk’d by Alex Jones for not dealing with the NORAD stand-down on 9/11, how many of the 19 hijackers turned up alive (BBC News), the growing domestic use of the military in direct violation of Posse Comitatus… and much more.”

Again: deal with any of it and i’ll respect you, until then you’re just blowing hot air. You watched the movie and ran screaming like a pussy from things you could not argue with: honest debate my ass.

And then you ran screaming like a pussy again from the points I knocked down: did you look into Prescott Bush’s Nazi connections? Did you defend them? (Actually, that would make sense…)

You’re making assertions that may be proveable – if you bothered to even Google it: tell me how fast a jet-plane is, and that you’ve found proof you can fly a jumbo-jet playing video games – you’re insulting pilots everywhere. And suggesting our argument might be “the planes are still flying” 4 years later is asinine: look above, we never came close to inferring that, so if you wanna build a straw-man and set it on fire then go ahead and wank off.

Maybe you need to dumb down our arguments to understand them, after all: Dear Leader speaks to you like you’re children.

In response to your idiocy Daft found “proof”, I started ths thread with “proof”, whereas you guys just repeat what you’ve been told without looking into it, providing evidence, or looking at any contrary evidence in any honest way. That’s gotta make it easy on you, just type it loudly and proudly straight from Karl Rove’s Talking Points to your big mouths, brains comfortably in stand-by mode waiting for the next set of instructions from Central Command.

I’ve seen your evidence: it’s crap.

It’s been trumped: you won’t deal with it.

How is that supposed to gain you any respect?

Look above: see who’s bringing “evidence” and who’s not.

Clearly you’re happy being “Right”, but you certainly don’t care to be right…



Filed under Black Krishna