Monthly Archives: December 2006

>Adolf Hitler by Webster Tarpley (….YouTuuube!!!) and everything else too (….YouTuuube!!!)

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>ANTIWAR.COM: ‘Gitmo Is Like Being Alive in Your Own Grave’ by Zofeen Ebrahim


‘Gitmo Is Like Being Alive in Your Own Grave’

by Zofeen Ebrahim

KARACHI – “Guantanamo brings images of a man in orange overalls, his face down and a soldier holding him by the neck, like a dog on a leash,” says 14-year-old Zahra Paracha. “Animals are treated better,” she tells IPS.

“What’s the point of talking to you?” she then says, her eyes clouding up. “I’m tired of telling the media that my father is innocent. In the first press conference three years ago, I poured my heart out, but that did not bring my father back. I think no one can help us, neither the government nor President Pervez Musharraf.”

“When we sold our soul and became a United States ally, we lost any bargaining power we [Pakistan] ever had,” adds Farhat Paracha, wife of Guantanamo Bay prisoner Saifullah Paracha and mother of another, Uzair Paracha.

But Muneeza Paracha, 24, her older daughter, a business graduate who has kept the family business afloat, is calmer. “I think the situation is somewhat different from what it was in 2003. I believe the Bush administration is under immense pressure to shut down Guantanamo. The media have done a lot and are still alive to the plight of the prisoners, and this alone makes me very hopeful.” She however, does not deny that life without her father has been tough.

Saifullah Paracha, 60, a successful businessman and a philanthropist based in this southern port city, has been held at the U.S. military prison in Cuba since September 2004. While on his way to a business meeting in July 2003, he was picked up at the Bangkok airport and whisked away to the Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, and, after 15 months, moved to Guantanamo.

Earlier that year, in February, 23-year old Uzair Paracha, on a business trip to the U.S., was arrested by intelligence agents and charged with terrorist conspiracy and alleged links to al-Qaeda, the terrorist group behind the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington. “My husband was such a strong person, but Uzair’s abduction broke him. The first time I saw him cry was then. He felt so helpless to be unable to help his son,” said Farhat

“I don’t know if I will live to see my son in person, that’s my greatest nightmare. He’s been sentenced to 30 years in federal prison,” says Farhat, 56, who survives on antidepressants and the 15-minute-a-month phone call from her son.

Her voice quivering with emotion, she said, “He was like any young twenty-something, with the world at his feet and a girlfriend on his arm. They were desperately in love and were just waiting for him to finish studies. She got married recently, and I don’t blame her, for she couldn’t wait endlessly.”

According to Farhat, he’s gained weight, 170 pounds, because he avoids going out for exercise, as on the way prisoners are strip-searched. “He spends time reading and has also become regular with prayers.” The only communication Farhat has had with her husband, since July 2003, was through his lawyer or e-mails from some rights organizations. She gets letters from him that are “short, hurried scribblings at the back of International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) pages.”

Not charged with any crime, the older Paracha was also suspected to have links with al-Qaeda, which he has denied. “He is alleged to have been part of a plan to smuggle explosives into the United States for al-Qaeda. He is also alleged to have spoken to Osama Bin Laden,” says the Britain-based Reprieve’s senior counsel, Zachary Katznelson, who has met Paracha twice, the last time in October 2006, and spoken to him once on the phone, in November.

“He has never hidden the fact that he met Bin Laden in 1999. In fact, he used to brag about his meeting and was quite taken in by the soft-spoken man he thought Laden was. He said he wanted to have him interviewed to give his version, for his production house,” says Farhat.

Asked if there was any link between the father and son’s abductions, Katznelson says, “The allegations for both relate to contacts they had with Majid Khan, another Pakistani prisoner in Guantanamo.” Khan, accused of being a member of al-Qaeda, has denied any links the two may have with the al-Qaeda or terrorism. He met them as Pakistani businessmen.

Paracha senior is being held in Camp-5 Delta, which, he told his wife, is “like living in your own grave.”

This is qualified by Katznelson. “Camp-5 is a maximum security prison. Each cell is approximately 6 feet by 8 feet. The lights are on 24 hours a day. The prisoners are allowed out of their cells only two hours per day. For a long time, the guards would vary temperatures to great extremes. One week, they would turn the air-conditioning on maximum making the prisoners freeze (they were given only a thin cotton sheet at night which was taken away early the following morning).” The next week, the guards would turn off the air-conditioning to bring up the temperatures to a stifling 35 degrees Celsius.

“Fortunately, since the start of Ramadan, the guards have stopped switching the temperatures between extremes, but rather keep it generally cool.”

The two occasions Katznelson met Paracha, he was in fetters. “When I met him the first time, it was in the prison hospital. Both arms and both legs were shackled to the bed. The second time we met, it was in a meeting room in Camp-5. He was shackled to the floor. They removed the hand shackles when I requested but not those of the leg.”

Apart from exposing prisoners to extreme temperatures, Katznelson said, for a long time, deviation from the rules was met with violence. “For instance, if a prisoner being led to a shower looked at another prisoner, or spoke to anyone, he was beaten. If the prisoner put his food tray down in the wrong place for collection, he was beaten. Any guard at any time could order a beating or that a prisoner be sent to isolation. In isolation, prisoners’ beards and heads are forcibly shaved.” But, says Katznelson, the beatings have since become fewer now that a new commander is in place.

The long years of incarceration have taken a toll on Paracha. According to Katznelson, he has “experienced severe chest pains and is at grave risk of a heart attack.”

The Guantanamo inmate recently made news when his petition to be transferred to a civilian medical center for a cardiac procedure was rejected. His wife argues that “he finds the camp facilities to carry out cardiac catheterization inadequate and risky. It’s not an emotional decision but a rational one.”

“He is not getting proper medical care. His life is at risk. The Pakistani government must intervene as soon as possible to get Mr. Paracha home,” said Katznelson.

(Inter Press Service)


Peace by piecing it together…


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P.S. Stewart and Colbert show us they’re lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily newswires at “” and “” — and pass this info on to everybody — NOW!!!

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>KING JAMES vs. KING GEORGE: "After Torture, What’s Next?" (Dave? Em?)


After Torture, What’s Next?

By James Abourezk; October 07, 2006, Published on ZNet

So, waterboarding is now OK. So is the suspension of one of our basic rights of freedom-the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Habeas Corpus, according to the U.S. Constitution, can only be suspended in cases of invasion or rebellion. Our Supreme Court has held, “habeas corpus is the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom against arbitrary and lawless state action.”

Abe Lincoln suspended the Writ during the Civil War, and even then it was a questionable act. And even more hopeless is that part of the law that permits President George W. Bush to interpret Common Article Three of the

1949 Geneva Conventions. Although Mr. Bush claims that the article is vague, no one before him has had any trouble understanding that torture is wrong, and in violation of international law.

But the suspension of the Writ in 2006 is not only unconstitutional because there is neither a rebellion nor have we been invaded. It is flat out wrong.

The only rebellion we were faced with was the one begun by three Republican Senators-McCain, Graham and Warner. All three had served in the military, but McCain had actually spent time as a prisoner of war in North Viet Nam .

Many of us cheered when he stood up to the President to say that if we permitted torture, which is what Bush and Cheney were trying to legalize, our own soldiers, sailors and airmen would be subject to the same brutalization as Mr. Bush was hoping to inflict on his “terror suspects.”

But the rebellion was quickly quelled when McCain, Graham and Warner caved in and said that the compromise they worked out with the President would both preserve our morals and get valuable information from enemy combatants.

First, people who are experts in interrogation of the enemy pretty much agree that torture doesn’t work. Those being tortured will say anything they think their interrogators want to hear, just so the torture will stop.

Secondly, the information, even if true, which is rare, in virtually every case is outdated by the time the torture is finished. Certainly no enemy would continue with plans known to someone who was captured.

But even more importantly, as Former Secretary of State and famous Army general, Colin Powell, said, we lose our moral high ground if we torture prisoners. To me, that is a hundred times more powerful a statement than the repetitious rantings of George W. Bush who continually cites the mantra, “we are protecting Americans.” That phrase, of course, is born of polling that says Americans want to be protected, and delivered by the likes of Karl Rove, who, if nothing else, knows how to demagogue.

But the hottest place in political hell should be reserved for members of Congress, including the weak-kneed Democrats, who essentially went along with Mr. Bush’s “compromise.”

It did not seem to bother Senators and Representatives that the Writ of Habeas Corpus is being suspended for enemy combatants. There is now no way to learn whether or not the prisoner is indeed an enemy, or just someone who was gathered up in a sweep of foreigners in Afghanistan, because, without habeas corpus, their detention cannot be tested in a court.

Senate Democrats, who in recent years have dug in to filibuster at the slightest provocation, this time merely stood up to record their opposition, knowing full well they would lose a straight up or down vote on the Bush compromise. But instead of really trying to stop the legislation, those who opposed it were content to make a speech and vote against it so they could later brag about their principled stand.

Everyone knew that was the Bush/Rove strategy-bring it up just before the elections so you can accuse the opposition of being soft on terrorism. It worked with the Iraqi War resolution in 2002, so why not now?

My wife, who is from the Middle East, in fact from a country that tortures its prisoners, was nearly in tears when, after hearing about the legislation, told me that everyone in her home country always looked up to America as a beacon of freedom. But those who loved America as an idea would now feel completely alone.

President Bush continually says that, “they” hate us because of our freedoms. That may explain why, in this legislation and in the Patriot Act, he is, piece by piece, trying to remove our freedoms. If this is his idea of protecting Americans, we really can’t stand much more protection.

The public’s opposition to this draconian law is the only thing that will give Congress the backbone to preserve our freedoms.

James Abourezk served as the U.S. Congressman and Senator from South Dakota from 1973-1979. His memoir, Advise & Dissent: Memoirs of South Dakota and the U.S. Senate, was published in 1989. Abourezk founded the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, and he is a signer of the Call from World Can’t Wait-Drive Out the Bush Regime which is holding protests in over 150 cities on October 5, 2006.


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Black Krishna Brand

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P.S. Stewart and Colbert show us they’re lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily newswires at “” and “” — and pass this info on to everybody — NOW!!!

Interesting, I have some concerns about it’s truth for a few reasons I won’t reveal that might spoil it for you, but rest assured you will feel more sympathetic and empathetic towards Mr. Chappelle, and rest assured that’s a good feeling – BK

::: The Chappelle Theory :::

…The story behind what REALLY happened to Dave Chappelle…

New Eminem Track References Wire Tapping, Political Assassinations, and 9/11

9/11 Blogger
Friday, December 1, 2006

DOWNLOAD/LISTEN NOW – Eminem – Public Enemy #1 – 2.4mb MP3


A track entitled ‘Public Enemy #1’ on Eminem’s upcoming mixtape The Re-up caught my ear this afternoon. The track features a simple almost militant style beat somewhat similar in tone to his last politically motivated track Mosh. While Mosh (which New York magazine called “the most important piece of mainstream dissent since the 60s”) alluded to 9/11 via caricatures of Bush reading ‘My Pet Goat’ and newspaper clippings on 9/11 (including the infamous ‘Bush Knew’ New York Post article), this new track goes into much darker subjects.

Frames referencing 9/11 in Eminem’s ‘Mosh’ music video

The track makes references to his phones being tapped, how an FBI van might pull up and he might just disappear, or maybe get taken out by a sniper one day. He goes on to say how he is focused on writing as many tracks as he can just incase something happens, and takes it one step further saying that he has already accepted he would be killed and then painted negatively for his actions. This is the point where the track briefly references 9/11 (after mentioning tremendous tremors) before going on to talk about 2 Pac predicting his death, and JFK’s assasination – an allusion to them both being killed for being ‘public enemy #1’ in the past.

(more after the break..)

Here is a rough set of lyrics:

I sense someone’s tapping into my phones why do…
I got this feeling in my bones I might die soon…
The F.B.I might be tryin to pull my file soon…
I might be walking blind fold into a typhoon…
I might be seeing rockets light up the night sky…
Right outside of the window of my living room…
And if they do you can say goodnight and bye bye to my tunes…
If I don’t try to record as much before I do…
The plan is to have as many in the can as I can…
As I stand before you in this booth a walking deadman…
Blank stare, dead pan look as my face as I gaze into space…
As I wait to be scooped up in that van…
Mysteriously disappear into thin air…
And they gon’ say a sniper just appeared out of no where…
And I’ll go down in the history as the blood sucking leech…
Who hid behind the freedom of speech…
Tried to take the fifth amendment use it, twist it and bend it…
The business way to end this…
I can feel the tremors tremendous…
In remembrance of September 11…
Flash back to September 7th…
When Tupac was murdered in Vegas…
He said that he predicted his own death…
Let us never forget it or should we ever live to regret it…
Like the day John F Kennedy was assassinated in broad day…
By a craze lunatic with a gun…
Who just happened to work on the same block in a library book depository…
Where the President would go for a little Friday stroll…
Shots fired from the grassy knoll…
But they don’t know or do they?…
Who’s they? Touché…
We’re all vulnerable and it’s spooky…
This is about as kooky as I’ve ever felt now…
Count down to Nuclear Meltdown…
7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
You can run you can do what you want to…
But you know you ain’t gonna do nuttin…
When its time its your time…
You are the prime target…
You have become Public Enemy Number 1…

While Eminem is not known for being a 9/11 skeptic, and he has not overtly stated that he is one, there is plenty to suggest that he is at least a questioner of the official story. Not only does this track and the Mosh track reference 9/11, but his former DJ – Green Lantern – had the track ‘Bin Laden’ by Immortal Technique (featuring Mos Def) alongside tracks by Eminem and other members of Shady Records. There are other past references to 9/11 as well such as a mockery of Bin Laden speaking to a camera, and having the backdrop fall down and reveal Dick Cheney and other members of the Bush administration. Most of these references have been scattered about so far, but perhaps that will change soon.

This is not Eminem’s new album, it is a mix tape for his label Shady Records, but it may give an idea as to what direction Eminem will go in his next solo album – or at least we can hope. One thing is for certain, if he did go down this direction further in the future he most assuredly would become ‘public enemy #1’.

Check out the song, post some thoughts, and check out our large 9/11 related hip-hop section on

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>"Oooooh MySpace, MySpace… I’m talking ’bout… My-Spaaace… MySpace!"


This user’s profile has been temporarily disabled for special maintenance.
The profile will be available again shortly.
Sorry for the inconvenience. 12/6/2006

HUH? –

[Ed note: I don’t know what’s really happening, but I do know that I can’t be certain it’s “nothing” any more that I can be that it’s “something”. I just uploaded a 13 minute video clip I titled “Indira Singh ANSWERS Questions” and accompaying profile in text, and am not sure if you’ll get to see it or if MySpace will be neo-confiscated.

Oh well, I’m hoping for the best in predicting the worst, but as has been famously noted by Gil Scott-Heron and Chuck D among others, “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised”, so stop looking for evidence of it there. Focus on what Tim Robbins among others has called the “chill” in the air with regards to free speech and the elimination therein, including both social acceptability and general accessability, especially as they incrementally “take” the internet.

When the bastards pull the trigger (as if they haven’t already), it won’t be “CNN Headline News”, it will be… forgotten. If done quietly, until the changes and depression are so natural that we settle for a fascist future that… umm… how do I put this… well, since they’re using “1984” as an operations manual, I’ll let George Orwell offer his shiny-shilling’s worth, and it ain’t a pick-me-up:

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”

– George Orwell

Of course, he might be wrong, but of course, that might be only if we give a damn. They elite are 20 years behind schedule and getting old, so don’t be surprised if they are in a rush to avoid us rushing to stop them, chipping away at our wherewithal and willpower in every way possible.]

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Profile: Indira Singh

Positions that Indira Singh has held:

* risk architect and volunteer emergency medical technician

Indira Singh participated in the following events as an active participant:

Early December, 2001

United Press International (UPI) publishes an article on the post-911 environmental conditions in downtown Manhattan. The news agency interviews Indira Singh, a risk architect and volunteer emergency medical technician, who says “that before the terrorist attacks she was a mountain climber and a pilot and in the top physical condition of her life but since then she has a cough, onset asthma, chest pain and headaches that won’t quit.” She adds that many of her neighbors “have coughs, headaches, ugly rashes, eye infections, people coughing up blood, kidney infections, upper respiratory problems, swollen tongues and most bizarre of all about a dozen had their dental work fall out.” [United Press International, 12/7/2001]

Entity Tags: Indira Singh

May-December 5, 2002: US Investigators Pressed to Look Into Ptech

Indira Singh. Indira Singh. [Source: Michael Kane] In October 2001, Ptech insiders attempted to warn the FBI that suspected terrorist financier Yassin al-Qadi had funded Ptech (see Shortly After October 12, 2001). Then Indira Singh, an employee at JP Morgan Chase bank, develops her own suspicions about Ptech after her bank assigned her to investigate Ptech for a potential business deal. In May 2002, she speaks with the FBI about her concerns. Weeks later, she learns the FBI still has not told any other government agencies about the potential Ptech security threat. She later will recall, “the language, the kind of language law enforcement, counterterrorism, and the FBI agents themselves were using basically indicated to me that absolutely no investigation was going on, that it was totally at a standstill, at which point my hair stood on end.” She contacts a Boston CBS television station, WBZ-TV, and a reporter for the station named Joe Bergantino begins investigating Ptech. [Boston Globe, 12/7/2002; WBZ 4 (Boston), 12/9/2002; National Public Radio, 12/8/2002] Around the same time, a former government official with contacts in the Bush administration tells officials at the National Security Council about the Ptech allegations. By late August, Operation Greenquest then opens its own Ptech investigation. The FBI then tries “to muscle its way back into the probe once it [becomes] clear that [Greenquest is] taking the case seriously.” [Newsweek, 12/6/2002; WBZ 4 (Boston), 12/9/2002] Beginning in late November, US agents begin calling Ptech officials and asking them if they have ties to money laundering, thus tipping them off. Ptech will also be notified when a December raid will be occurring before it happens. [Associated Press, 1/3/2003] WBZ-TV prepared a story on Ptech, but withheld it from the public for more than three months after receiving “calls from federal law enforcement agencies, some at the highest levels.” The station claims the government launched its Ptech probe in August 2002, after they “got wind of our investigation” and “asked us to hold the story so they could come out and do their raid and look like they’re ahead of the game.” [Boston Globe, 12/7/2002; WBZ 4 (Boston), 12/9/2002]

Entity Tags: Operation Greenquest, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Ptech Inc., National Security Council, Indira Singh


Comments of Indira Singh
Lower Manhattan Resident and Worker

66 Pearl Street, Apt. 508
New York, NY 10004

EPA Panel Hearing
July 26, 2004

SOURCE –,2004.Singh.Comment.pdf


by snowshoefilms Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004 at 12:27 PM

INDIRA SINGH: Questions, answers, clarifications and hints. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Bob McIlvanie, Faiz Khan, Michael Ruppert, Nico Haupt et al. question whistleblower Singh’s explosive revelations about Ptech and other CIA front groups.

911Citizens Watch Inquiry, NYC Sept. 9, 2004.

video: windows media at 3.4 mebibytes

13:20 Minutes long, 3.5meg 56k windows media file.

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Peace by paise…


Black Krishna Brand

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P.S. Stewart and Colbert show us they’re lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily newswires at “” and “” — and pass this info on to everybody — NOW!!!

Lou Dobbs told to Shut up!

Lou Dobbs reported today that “Dubai Ports World” officials have tried to silence him and get CNN to suppress his reports.



Mark Dennis, spokesman for Dubai Ports World: “CNN won’t shut up Lou Dobbs.”

They are refusing to give any more interviews to CNN or allow them to video tape their operations overseas. To CNN’s credit they have refused to comply with their demands.

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>jon stewart just said "who would overrule you, the illuminati? our overlords who…" – 12:25 am, 6/Dec/06


jon stewart just said “who would overrule you, the illuminati? our overlords who…”

– 12:25 am EST, 6/Dec/06

Peace by playing with the pieces…

Peace by playing with the players…



Black Krishna Brand

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P.S. Stewart and Colbert show us they’re lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily newswires at “” and “” — and pass this info on to everybody — NOW!!!

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>PAPOOSE hears "50 Shots" and shoots back, while Nas and C-Webb, grab they’ mack and they’ sack… (Courtesy of


“They’ shootin’!
Aw, made you look!
You’ a slave to a page, in my rhyme book,
Getting big money, playboy your time’s up,
Where my gangstas?
Where my dimes at?”

– Nas, “Made You Look”

Nas Lashes Out At NYPD After Fatal Shooting Of Unarmed Man

‘The cops need to be charged the way gangsters are charged,’ rapper says in statement

by Jayson Rodriguez

Queens native Nas has joined upstart rapper Papoose in speaking out against the New York Police Department after their controversial 50-shot barrage that left one man dead and two others wounded early Sunday morning in the Jamaica neighborhood of Queens, New York.

The trio of men were leaving a club when the driver, Sean Bell, 23, struck an unmarked police vehicle and then backed into a storefront before charging forward again “almost striking an undercover cop” and crashing into the vehicle once more, according to reports.

NYPD officials proceeded to fire 50 rounds of bullets into the car, a late-model Nissan Altima. The unarmed Bell, who was to be married later that day, was killed instantly, and his two passengers were both injured, one critically. Authorities claimed a fourth passenger was present at the time and in possession of a firearm. At press time, however, police were still investigating the matter and so far have questioned two men about their whereabouts that night.

Nas called the 50-shot act cowardly and was dismayed by the controversial incident, which he likened to a display of gangster behavior.

“The one who reloaded should go before the judge and plead guilty,” the rapper said in a statement released to MTV News referring to the detective who took 31 of the shots and reloaded his weapon during the incident. “If he was a man, he would be brave enough to face the charges as a man. … This brutality bullsh– is played out with that slave sh–. It has to end now. The cops need to be charged the way gangsters are charged.”

Nas, along with NBA player Chris Webber, stepped forward to contribute to Bell’s funeral costs, but according to Webber’s publicist, Tiaka Hurst, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has already made arrangements to cover the wake. Hurst told the New York Post that instead, Nas and Webber would both provide financial assistance to Bell’s fiancee and the couple’s two children. No amount was disclosed.

Earlier this week, Papoose debuted “50 Shots” on DJ Kay Slay’s satellite radio show. The mixtape-style track addresses police brutality and what he sees as the unjustified murders committed by the NYPD in the black community. In the song, the rapper compared Bell’s death to that of Amadou Diallo, the immigrant Bronx resident who was gunned down in 1999 by 41 shots after police mistook Diallo’s wallet for a gun.

’50 Shots’ triggered by Bell slaying

by Michael White

New York Daily News – Dec 2, 2006…0790c.html

Less than a week after cops killed an unarmed groom on
his wedding day, a rap song condemning the
controversial shooting – and the NYPD – has hit the

The rage-fueled rap “50 Shots” by an up-and-coming
emcee, Papoose, has found airplay on satellite radio
and is being circulated on the Internet.

The song, a collaboration between mixtape master
Papoose and Hot 97 radio show host DJ Kayslay, blasts
the cops involved in last Saturday’s shooting, along
with police union boss Patrick Lynch and a New York
Post columnist who criticized Mayor Bloomberg for
saying the shooting was “excessive.”

The song also singles out Detective Mike Oliver, who
fired 31 of the 50 police bullets into the car of 23-
year-old Sean Bell and his pals, who were all unarmed.

Oliver has said that he reloaded his gun because he
believed it had jammed. But police sources say the gun
stopped firing because he had emptied the first ammo

“Think we dumb? If your clips was loaded to the top /
And your gun jammed, how you fire 31 shots?” raps
Papoose, 27, a Bedford-Stuyvesant native.

The rapper, who landed on Rolling Stone magazine’s “10
Artists to Watch” list last March, also references NYPD
guidelines that prohibit cops from shooting at cars,
though he wrongly calls the rules the “law.”

“The law states that a cop is not permitted to shoot at
a moving car. / It don’t matter if it’s coming straight
at him / Cuz if they shoot the driver, a 4,000-pound
car could cause more drama.”

Michael White

Originally published on December 2, 2006

Hear it:


Peace by piece…


Black Krishna Brand

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P.S. Stewart and Colbert show us they’re lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily newswires at “” and “” — and pass this info on to everybody — NOW!!!

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>"…the point is that proper context means the truth will win every time…"


yo [redacted],

sorry i forgot to answer you in time, i’d suggest checking my prisonterview with connor from PASAN on my soundclick site, and if you have it the transcript i made from his talk. i’d tie-in our acceptance on a tacit level through TV shows and our knowledge of gitmo, etc., and how it’s being normalised in schools, airports, the NY subway, etc.

it’s the real “no look – i just said some shit!” ballsification that us lefties don’t go for often enough, especially since many of our leaders are pussies and the establishment tone set for discussing this stuff is very careful and watered down… basically, ineffective. on the right, many of their leaders are assholes, and assholes beat pussies every time.

for instance, i think every single fucking convo criticising the iraq war should involve “depleted uranium”, i don’t give a fuck, you can even randomly sing the shit like you work at Lick’s or something, whatever. it is a bigger lie or “crime” than “the downing street memo”, which we should also mention, and shows the criminal intent of the evil suits at the top who cannot be given “support the troops” as one of their acolytes arguments: they don’t, and the people who think they do have to either stop acting like idiots or be called idiots, once they know that’s their choice.

the point is that proper context means the truth will win every time, and what the news does best is give us “answers” without showing us the “math”, or how they got their conclusions by selectively using and ignoring information. i think the “sectarian violence” thing is b.s. too, for while there might be inevitable internal power-struggles, without at least as much discussion of the trillion-dollar u.s. military’s role in the “violence” – and they’re the only ones dropping tons of “carpet-bombs”, it’s ridiculous to dwell on it instead, and makes the iraqi’s look like mindless savages who will kill each other if we leave.

this gives even the “left” a retardedly racist excuse to say we should stay as opposed to saying “just stop shooting, chill the fuck out, and see what happens when the iraqi’s realize they don’t have to keep fighting: i bet they won’t, and will let us leave, especially since we have nukes to use if they fuck with us while we finna bounce!”

our focus should be on giving them a ton of dope shit for fucking up their country, and helping them put their guns into ploughshares and rebuilding it. anything else is utter garbage, and the military’s monopoly on “solutions” needs to end: they fucked up, they were lied to and manipulated, and they are still being lied to and manipulated and in turn doing that to us with their stupid “PSYOP’s” all over TV making us fear being “beheaded” when the 10 million muslims living in america have never even thought about giving whitey a haircut unless he pays $10.

it’s like the random homeless guy who kidnaps and kills a kid – which i’ve only heard about every few years. yet, if that’s all you ever say about them then the thousands on the street are fucked for no reason by a public that hates ’em, like now. we’ve got tons of bullshit logic that we use thanks in part to reality TV stressing conflict between two stupid people with stupid opinions, and we reflect that by being stubborn. it’s a brilliantly stupid strategy of forcing us to “respect” stupidity instead of “correct” it, and keeps us locked in different realities that get us to ignore the criminals increasingly treating us all like criminals.

as for the “prison” system, my favourite stat and one like D.U. that i think should be mentioned in every convo about canada’s prison system, government or objective status as simply another brutal apartheid state, is the fact that 2% of the population is native, and 28% of the prison population is. in case one doesn’t know how to make sense of that, if you are a native canadian you are 14x more likely to be in jail than on the street in canada, a tough stat for any “demographic”. imagine if that was italians? jews? norwegians? ukrainians? it would be crazy, and this place would be scary as hell and as famous as south africa was. i’m sure similar ignored anomalies are available across the board, and if properly applied can be pathways to solutions – the only thing any of us “save the world souljahs” should really care about anyway. i swear, i was just rhetorically asked “hey, you’re a big fan of solutions, right?” today by one of us in the game, and while i simply acknowledged it with some enthusiasm, i also reflected: “what – am i in the minority on this being the priority?”

this is nuts.

anyway, the corporate-info is dope, and i strongly recommend checking the flick “america: freedom to fascism” for the economics of it all, and a priceless quote by catherine fitts, fmr. asst. secretary of housing, who basically said “a decision was made to send the jobs overseas and dumb-down america, eliminating the middle-class.” now she’s a professional politico and has been and worked “there”, and as a “whistleblower” vs. the “assholes” in washington she’ll probably get invited to fewer shitty parties while helping to save the country, and in turn the world.

after all, if we’re all broke idiots we can’t use “the constitution” to keep the politicians from forming the NAU, turning us all into good little nazi’s and instituting a draft, and using the prison-industrial system as a massive weapons-engineering facility to suppy the world war effort. then we’ll attack everyone being too dumb to know the world has absolutely no conflict with us, and in fact really wants to take their picture at the foot of the statue of liberty and ride the ferris wheel at coney island. damn hollywood movies.

anyway, that’s why it’s so important to nail the problems and “situation” of the prison-industrial complex so clearly, including their rapid planned growth: it’s really an attack on all of us that’s happening piecemeal to our peeps with our support and rapidly increasing with “the military commissions act”, a must-mention for our future security against uber-stalinist-tyranny, the fake “war on drugs we bring in to make money and justify enforcing a police state”, and everything else they do to compromise our faith as individuals in our ability to improve our environments.

there you go homie, hollatchaboy… 🙂


Peace by pissing on the powers pimpin’ prison showers…


Black Krishna Brand

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P.S. Stewart and Colbert show us they’re lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily newswires at “” and “” — and pass this info on to everybody — NOW!!!

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>JAILCELLphones: "FBI taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool" (CNet/


“Since the Fed’s bought Nextel, I trashed my phone…”

– Tony Yayo (Mobb Deep f. Tony Yayo, “Click Click”)

hey [redacted],

why don’t you ask [redacted]? honestly it can’t be that hard. until then i’ll forward you the correspondence, i’ve had enough of this fascist “shut up!” nonsense, and it needs to be un-learned to help us make more intelligent decisions.

sorry i’ve been a little busy, the economy is about to be blown-out and that will affect all of us soon. the “rich” people are learning first as they always do, and preparing for it, and i’m afraid all of those “5-year fixed” interest-rate mortgages are going to spike in the next 20 years, leading to lost over-priced chicken-coop condos and sad homiez and homietta’s.

you can already see the housing slowdown has started, and while everyone thinks that “everything will be just fine”, only a handful know the privately held central bank for ALL the central banks in the world, the B.I.S. (Bank for International Settlements) demanded a minimum of 8% in hard-reserves in 1990 from all central banks in every country in the world.

what does that mean?

the banks lending out many-times what they had, i.e. the perfectly legal and perfectly immoral “fractional reserve banking”, started scrambling to meet the requirements, calling in loans and completely strangling the third world economies first. even japan has been in a recession for the last 15 years, and it’s only their small population and great technology that’s keeping them afloat as their banks had some of the lowest cash/asset reserves in the world.

the big bankers are the true rulers of the world since they gained the power to print money out of nothing. when we were smarter and used “history” as “context”, more of us used to know that, including some of our greatest thinkers.

btw: our politicians can’t even fart without their permission.

to wit: how do you think bush is being protected by the u.s. media?

there was enough in “fahrenheit 9/11” to indict any president, and hundreds of stories for journalists to expand on. if bush doesn’t do what they want the rich media-magnates and their owners/investors will turn on him with a vengeance, and kick him out of office within 24 hours by getting us riled up about his murderous incompetence instead of recycling “bird-flu” every 6 months.

(and don’t even get me started on “iraq”, it’s worse than the “holocaust”. seriously. that’s why they tell you “22 people were killed by a car-bomb”, because it’s “sad” but “not that bad”, and nothing close to what’s really happening – including G.I. suicide-rates that make vietnam look like disneyland, being forced to brutalize innocent people can make teenagers act a lil’ crazy sometimes…)

if you take a look you can already see incremental price increases across the board in north america, and as ms. catherine fitts, former asst. secretary for housing under bill clinton said in the recent film “America: Freedom to Fascism”…

“A decision was made to move the jobs overseas and dumb-down America, and eliminate the middle-class.”

again: she is a qualified political professional, there is absolutely no reason for her to say this, and she’ll probably get invited to fewer parties as a result. the reason they are doing this is so they can destroy the only political base in the world that can use the u.s. constitution to keep the “new roman empire” criminals in check, and while it’s messy it seems to be working.

all of this “left/right” nonsense is a distraction, as is nearly everything in the media we get upset about today and forget about tomorrow. that’s why things always seem to be getting worse, and that’s why we have absolutely no idea what to do about it. if you have a pen and paper you can make a massive list of things you’ve read a lot about over the last year that don’t matter, including canada’s “quebec-nation” thing, another meaningless load of crap and cheap ploy by stephen “heil!” harper to buy quebecois support with… press coverage.

anyway, i wanted to ask [redacted], it’s the criminals in “homeland security” who hopefully think i’m a bum. no worries, the feeling is mutual… ;P

thx, [redacted]


FBI taps cell phone mic as eavesdropping tool

CNet | December 2, 2006
Declan McCullagh and Anne Broache

update: The FBI appears to have begun using a novel form of electronic surveillance in criminal investigations: remotely activating a mobile phone’s microphone and using it to eavesdrop on nearby conversations.

The technique is called a “roving bug,” and was approved by top U.S. Department of Justice officials for use against members of a New York organized crime family who were wary of conventional surveillance techniques such as tailing a suspect or wiretapping him.

Nextel cell phones owned by two alleged mobsters, John Ardito and his attorney Peter Peluso, were used by the FBI to listen in on nearby conversations. The FBI views Ardito as one of the most powerful men in the Genovese family, a major part of the national Mafia.

The surveillance technique came to light in an opinion published this week by U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan. He ruled that the “roving bug” was legal because federal wiretapping law is broad enough to permit eavesdropping even of conversations that take place near a suspect’s cell phone.

Kaplan’s opinion said that the eavesdropping technique “functioned whether the phone was powered on or off.” Some handsets can’t be fully powered down without removing the battery; for instance, some Nokia models will wake up when turned off if an alarm is set.

While the Genovese crime family prosecution appears to be the first time a remote-eavesdropping mechanism has been used in a criminal case, the technique has been discussed in security circles for years.



BBC (from

Heavy mobile use ‘damages sperm’

Experts are calling for further research into the effect of mobiles on fertility

Researchers found those men who used a phone for four hours or more a day had fewer sperm and those they had moved less well and were of poorer quality.

The Ohio study involving 364 men was presented to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in New Orleans.

But a UK expert said it was unlikely the phones were to blame, as they were in use and not near the testes, and it may be being sedentary was the cause.

The team from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio tested the sperm of 364 men who were being treated at fertility clinics in Mumbai, India, with their partners.

It was found that the heaviest users, those who used their phones for more than four hours a day had the lowest average sperm counts, at 50 million per millilitre (ml) and the least healthy sperm.

Men who used their phones for between two and four hours a day averaged sperm counts of 69 million per ml and had moderately healthy sperm.

Those who said they did not use mobile phones at all had the highest average sperm counts, of 86 million per ml, and their sperm was of the highest quality seen.

[Cleveland news story continued in Europe, but not in America, except on where I first found it…]


NY Times/

“Several guards in camouflage and riot gear approached cell No. 103. They unlocked a rectangular panel at the bottom of the door and Mr. Padilla’s bare feet slid through, eerily disembodied. As one guard held down a foot with his black boot, the others shackled Mr. Padilla’s legs. Next, his hands emerged through another hole to be manacled.

Wordlessly, the guards, pushing into the cell, chained Mr. Padilla’s cuffed hands to a metal belt. Briefly, his expressionless eyes met the camera before he lowered his head submissively in expectation of what came next: noise-blocking headphones over his ears and blacked-out goggles over his eyes. Then the guards, whose faces were hidden behind plastic visors, marched their masked, clanking prisoner down the hall to his root canal.

The videotape of that trip to the dentist, which was recently released to Mr. Padilla’s lawyers and viewed by The New York Times, offers the first concrete glimpse inside the secretive military incarceration of an American citizen whose detention without charges became a test case of President Bush’s powers in the fight against terror. Still frames from the videotape were posted in Mr. Padilla’s electronic court file late Friday.

To Mr. Padilla’s lawyers, the pictures capture the dehumanization of their client during his military detention from mid-2002 until earlier this year, when the government changed his status from enemy combatant to criminal defendant and transferred him to the federal detention center in Miami. He now awaits trial scheduled for late January.

Together with other documents filed late Friday, the images represent the latest and most aggressive sally by defense lawyers who declared this fall that charges against Mr. Padilla should be dismissed for “outrageous government conduct,” saying that he was mistreated and tortured during his years as an enemy combatant.

Now lawyers for Mr. Padilla, 36, suggest that he is unfit to stand trial. They argue that he has been so damaged by his interrogations and prolonged isolation that he suffers post-traumatic stress disorder and is unable to assist in his own defense. His interrogations, they say, included hooding, stress positions, assaults, threats of imminent execution and the administration of “truth serums.”

[Continued forever and ever and ever unless we’re clever…]


Peace by piece…


Black Krishna Brand

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P.S. Stewart and Colbert show us they’re lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily newswires at “” and “” — and pass this info on to everybody — NOW!!!

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>PRISONPLANET.COM: "7 Million in U.S. Jails, on Probation or Parole" (Associated Press)


7 Million in U.S. Jails, on Probation or Parole

Associated Press | November 30, 2006

A record 7 million people _ or one in every 32 American adults _ were behind bars, on probation or on parole by the end of last year, according to the Justice Department. Of those, 2.2 million were in prison or jail, an increase of 2.7 percent over the previous year, according to a report released Wednesday.

More than 4.1 million people were on probation and 784,208 were on parole at the end of 2005. Prison releases are increasing, but admissions are increasing more.

Men still far outnumber women in prisons and jails, but the female population is growing faster. Over the past year, the female population in state or federal prison increased 2.6 percent while the number of male inmates rose 1.9 percent. By year’s end, 7 percent of all inmates were women. The gender figures do not include inmates in local jails.

“Today’s figures fail to capture incarceration’s impact on the thousands of children left behind by mothers in prison,” Marc Mauer, the executive director of the Sentencing Project, a Washington-based group supporting criminal justice reform, said in a statement. “Misguided policies that create harsher sentences for nonviolent drug offenses are disproportionately responsible for the increasing rates of women in prisons and jails.”

From 1995 to 2003, inmates in federal prison for drug offenses have accounted for 49 percent of total prison population growth.

The numbers are from the annual report from the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics. The report breaks down inmate populations for state and federal prisons and local jails.

Racial disparities among prisoners persist. In the 25-29 age group, 8.1 percent of black men _ about one in 13 _ are incarcerated, compared with 2.6 percent of Hispanic men and 1.1 percent of white men. And it’s not much different among women. By the end of 2005, black women were more than twice as likely as Hispanics and over three times as likely as white women to be in prison.

Certain states saw more significant changes in prison population. In South Dakota, the number of inmates increased 11 percent over the past year, more than any other state. Montana and Kentucky were next in line with increases of 10.4 percent and 7.9 percent, respectively. Georgia had the biggest decrease, losing 4.6 percent, followed by Maryland with a 2.4 percent decrease and Louisiana with a 2.3 percent drop.


“TerrorStorm is something that should be seen by everyone, no matter what their stance/affiliation/political bent. ” – Rich Rosell, Digitally Obsessed UK

::: Get TerrorStorm on DVD today :::

Peace, (NOW!!!)


Black Krishna Brand

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P.S. Stewart and Colbert show us they’re lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily newswires at “” and “” — and pass this info on to everybody — NOW!!!

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