Monthly Archives: January 2007

>OLBERBALLS: "You’re gonna need a better screenplay." + Truth Videos Surge Into Google Top 100!

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>Feminimism and the CIA? + AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism – Aaron Russo Interview (37 mins)


yo dawg,

if she doesn’t know, i thought yer missus might like to see this, or she might not, it’s your call.

personally, i find this stuff can help us “win” by transcending ideas people are familiar with and have chosen to ignore, and with new info on the threat all women (and the rest of us) face in being manipulated by the elite, maybe she can expand the cause of feminiminism to include even more women stressed out and confused by the pressure of modern expectations by providing a big reason why.

(feminimism? am i getting slapped for this? are you? 😉

either way, us “conspiracy theorists” or “deep researchers” maintain the problem is not “feminism” or “activism” or “journalism”, or any ideas that advocate for the betterment of humanity, but rather the provable perversion of those ideas by those (rich people) who control whether a message gets out or not, and how, and from whom, and in many ways it’s impact on the rest of us…


Nick Rockefeller told Russo of two primary reasons why the elite bankrolled women’s lib:

1) Before women’s lib the bankers couldn’t tax half the population;

2) Because it allowed them to get children in school at an earlier age, enabling them to be indoctrinated into accepting the state as the primary family, breaking up the traditional family model.

This revelation dovetails previous admissions on behalf of feminist pioneer Gloria Steinem (pictured) that the CIA bankrolled Ms. Magazine as part of the same agenda of breaking up traditional family models.


AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism – Aaron Russo Interview.

::: 37 mins :::

All time views: 308,382
36 min 49 sec – Jun 8, 2006


Peace by partying with patriotic cancer patients…


Google: Black Krishna

|||+> STEWART AND COLBERT… show us our leaders are lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the websites below and pass it on!


|||+> CSPAN… Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII

::: 8 mins :::


|||+> INFOWARS.COM… Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines

::: 11 mins :::


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>VIDEO: The Truth About The London Bombings (9 mins) + Infowars Exclusive: 7/7 Bus Bomb Survivor Describes "Agents" At Scene In Immediate Aftermath

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>TERRORSTORM: Google News Search + DAHR JAMAIL: Is A Genuine Hero + THE WAR ON TERROR: Is The Biggest PSYOP In History… Wake Up.

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>VIDEO: Dave Chappelle Presents… The Black Bush Administration (6 mins) + Brad and Angie bravely hit the Bayou (6 mins ago)

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>MSNBC/Associated Press: Media ownership study ordered destroyed +! ::: 4 mins :::


Media ownership study ordered destroyed

FCC draft suggested fewer owners would hurt local TV coverage

MNSBC/Associated Press
Updated: 12:08 p.m. PT Sept 14, 2006

WASHINGTON – The Federal Communications Commission ordered its staff to destroy all copies of a draft study that suggested greater concentration of media ownership would hurt local TV news coverage, a former lawyer at the agency says.

The report, written in 2004, came to light during the Senate confirmation hearing for FCC Chairman Kevin Martin.

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. received a copy of the report “indirectly from someone within the FCC who believed the information should be made public,” according to Boxer spokeswoman Natalie Ravitz.

(Note: In June of 2006, the FCC announced the start of a new review of media ownership, including a “series of public hearings on media ownership issues at diverse locations across the nation”. That review is still ongoing.)

‘Every last piece’ destroyed

Adam Candeub, now a law professor at Michigan State University, said senior managers at the agency ordered that “every last piece” of the report be destroyed. “The whole project was just stopped – end of discussion,” he said. Candeub was a lawyer in the FCC’s Media Bureau at the time the report was written and communicated frequently with its authors, he said.

In a letter sent to Martin Wednesday, Boxer said she was “dismayed that this report, which was done at taxpayer expense more than two years ago, and which concluded that localism is beneficial to the public, was shoved in a drawer.”

Martin said he was not aware of the existence of the report, nor was his staff. His office indicated it had not received Boxer’s letter as of midafternoon Thursday.

Local ownership benefits

In the letter, Boxer asked whether any other commissioners “past or present” knew of the report’s existence and why it was never made public. She also asked whether it was “shelved because the outcome was not to the liking of some of the commissioners and/or any outside powerful interests?”

The report, written by two economists in the FCC’s Media Bureau, analyzed a database of 4,078 individual news stories broadcast in 1998. The broadcasts were obtained from Danilo Yanich, a professor and researcher at the University of Delaware, and were originally gathered by the Pew Foundation’s Project for Excellence in Journalism.

The analysis showed local ownership of television stations adds almost five and one-half minutes of total news to broadcasts and more than three minutes of “on-location” news. The conclusion is at odds with FCC arguments made when it voted in 2003 to increase the number of television stations a company could own in a single market. It was part of a broader decision liberalizing ownership rules.

Community responsiveness

At that time, the agency pointed to evidence that “commonly owned television stations are more likely to carry local news than other stations.”

When considering whether to loosen rules on media ownership, the agency is required to examine the impact on localism, competition and diversity. The FCC generally defines localism as the level of responsiveness of a station to the needs of its community.

The 2003 action sparked a backlash among the public and within Congress. In June 2004, a federal appeals court rejected the agency’s reasoning on most of the rules and ordered it to try again. The debate has since been reopened, and the FCC has scheduled a public hearing on the matter in Los Angeles on Oct. 3.

The report was begun after then-Chairman Michael Powell ordered the creation of a task force to study localism in broadcasting in August of 2003. Powell stepped down from the commission and was replaced by Martin in March 2005. Powell did not return a call seeking comment.

The authors of the report, Keith Brown and Peter Alexander, both declined to comment. Brown has left public service while Alexander is still at the FCC. Yanich confirmed the two men were the authors. Both have written extensively on media and telecommunications policy.

Yanich said the report was “extremely well done. It should have helped to inform policy.”

Boxer’s office said if she does not receive adequate answers to her questions, she will push for an investigation by the FCC inspector general.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.



Save the Internet

YouTube | December 20, 2006

::: 4 mins :::


Peace by paying attention to pressing issues…


Google: Black Krishna

|||+> STEWART AND COLBERT… show us they are lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily news at and – and pass this info on to everybody – NOW!

|||+> CSPAN… Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII

::: 8 mins :::


|||+> INFOWARS.COM… Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines

::: 11 mins :::


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>VIDEO: Keith Olbermann with John Dean on a 50 Year Study of GOP Fascism (10 mins) + Meet Mussolini Motherf–ker…


This mainstream television interview shows how the Hitlerian GOPstapo is being built, and it doesn’t matter if people know the media or the Bush Administration is lying or laugh it off, if enough don’t do enough soon there will be millions of others willing to be angered, armed, trained and funded to attack the demonized rest, especially as the economy tanks.

The scientific estimate quoted by Mr. Dean suggests 23% of Americans have “authoritarian” (fascist!) personalities, including both leaders and loyal followers, which calculates into roughly 60 million people. With the unlimited budget of the private federal banking system and sophisticated propaganda, it’s a hell of a fight winning the hearts and minds of a public driven insane enough to accept or endorse what’s happening.

We’ve got to use 9/11 Truth to break the spell of the mythical “War on Terror” to stop endless wars abroad and police states at home worldwide, and the best chance to destroy the Karl Rovebots giving Bush (overestimated) political support is to destroy the whole lie. It’s sad, but all the humanitarian arguments against bombing or torturing innocent men, women and children are disbelieved or dismissed by a variety of opportunists, racists, or good people simply confused and scared out of their minds who want to believe that the government on television will save them while the one in real life is attacking them.

The old money behind corporations have always wanted “fascism” to eliminate competition and enslave or eliminate most of the “undesirable” human race, including an attempted coup in the 1930’s that President Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush was involved in. Clearly understanding what it is means we can see them implementing it right in front of us and stop it, perhaps in part by refusing to do business with the biggest company in a given industry to avoid it growing into a monopoly. Unfortunately politicians on the fake “left” and “right” of issues aren’t going to help with real solutions because they are paid to spout that nonsense, and the relationships all make perfect sense, because as Mussolini acceptably defined it:

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism, because it is the perfect merger of state and corporate power.”

– Benito Mussolini, Italian dictator

He was right about that in ways he couldn’t have even dreamed of, and would be so proud of what his fascist descendents have achieved. We are so controlled that we can see it happening and rationalize it, as “think tanks” and “lobbyists” dominate the public policy and airwaves while creatively teaching us what to say to fulfill their goals – and not ours. Lots of evil people are right about lots of things, far too many to ignore their influence especially on those who “want” to do evil, and their ability to manipulate others was a key to “evil” gaining “power”. In a nutshell Mussolini defined the capitalist playbook, the final plays are being run now, and while I wouldn’t say he was “right” about the following, I’d say we definitely have to watch out for anyone else acting like him who thinks he might be:

“The truth is that men are tired of liberty.”

– Benito Mussolini

“The function of a citizen and a soldier are inseparable.”

– Benito Mussolini

“War is to man what maternity is to a woman. From a philosophical and doctrinal viewpoint, I do not believe in perpetual peace.”

– Benito Mussolini

“It is humiliating to remain with our hands folded while others write history. It matters little who wins. To make a people great it is necessary to send them to battle even if you have to kick them in the pants. That is what I shall do.”

– Benito Mussolini

The “West” of mythical global dominance is finally being completely destroyed and looted after decades of wars for empire and declining living standards. It’s people are being enslaved or conscripted in a Communist model of Central Banks and regional production lines. The entire Third World has already been divided up this way, and the potential of billions of people has been robbed as they were denied any educational or career opportunities – except as slave labor to help corporations rip the resources out of their country.

All this is precipitated by the “War on Terror” in a “post 9/11 world”, despite the fact that “peanuts” kill more Americans than “terrorists” (Paul Joseph Watson) and it’s really supposed to be a simple police matter. It’s also predicated on accepting the dystopic Orwellian notion of an endless war against a permanent enemy, and if we accept it in principle then it quickly breaks us spiritually, because we see no alternatives to the bleakest deteriorating future possible. When “9/11” or whatever finally “comes out” in the mainstream media, all the lies may be told as one big joke, with the final hi-tech police state cashless society control-grid keeping the population powerless while the elite laugh.

It’s not “one” thing, it’s the big picture, and the globalists are long-term players with inter-locking hidden agendas. As long as everyone makes money and groups of people are weakened to eliminate future competition, the monopoly men are happy to keep working harder on screwing humanity than on business, knowing once they’re finished creating their “PrisonPlanet” they’ll never have to worry again.

We need to use 9/11 Truth in creative and expansive ways to attack the “racist and war-mongering myth” (Webster Tarpley) of the “War on Terror” and avoid it being used on us and our children forever, and focus on the “global crime syndicate” (Alex Jones) controlling the useless “left/right” debates that make our ability to even make peace with each other in the same communities impossible.

It shouldn’t be, and with free society’s foundational principles stressing the universal right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”, all of it and a framework for independently achieving all our dreams should instead be a matter of common sense.

There is an enemy, and they are building an army of hate.

Here is what they’ve been up to…

MSNBC: Keith Olbermann interviews John Dean

:: 10 mins ::


Paramilitary Assault Teams Terrorizing America

Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan highlights disturbing use and abuse of SWAT teams that carry out over 40,000 raids a year on largely innocent and non-threatening people

Prison Planet | January 25, 2007
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones


Listen to Alex Jones’ interview with Paul Craig Roberts

Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration Paul Craig Roberts joined Alex Jones yesterday to talk about his latest article which highlights the militarization of American police and how SWAT teams are being used to terrorize recreational drug users and innocent people.

Roberts’ article, The Empire Turns Its Guns on the Citizenry , cites a 2006 CATO report that warns against the out of control use and abuse of paramilitary police raids.

“There are now 17,000 local America police forces that are armed with rocket launchers, bazookas, heavy machine guns, all kinds of chemical sprays – in fact some of them have tanks, you have now local police departments that are equipped beyond the standard of American heavy infantry,” said Roberts.

“In recent years there have been 40,000 or more callouts of SWAT teams annually – that would be 110 times a day – have you read about 110 hostage or terrorist events every day last year?”



Institute Says British People Ready To Forget Freedom

Alleges that vast majority will accept total erosion of civil liberties in face of “terrorist threat” | January 24, 2007
Steve Watson

The foremost social research institute in the United Kingdom has today revealed results of its annual ‘Social Attitudes’ survey that show an overwhelming majority of people in Britain are ready to accept ID cards, phone tapping, curfews, electronic tagging, the opening of private mail and extensions to detention without charge.

The Guardian reports the findings from the National Centre for Social Research, a not for profit organisation that conducts research for public bodies such as central government, universities and charitable organisations.

In a series of questions that ask whether certain measures are “a price worth paying” in order to to reduce the threat of terrorism, the survey (PDF) found the following:

• 81% think that following people suspected of involvement with terrorism, tapping their phones
and opening their mail is ‘a price worth paying’.

• 80% think that putting people suspected of involvement with terrorism under special rules –
which would mean that they could be electronically tagged, prevented from going to certain
places or prevented from leaving their homes at certain times – is ‘a price worth paying’.

• 79% think that allowing the police to detain people for more than a week or so without charge
if the police suspect them of involvement in terrorism is ‘a price worth paying’.

• 71% think that having compulsory identity cards for all adults is ‘a price worth paying’.

Conor Gearty, professor of human rights law at the London School of Economics and joint author of the report’s civil rights chapter, said: “The very mention of something being a counter-terrorism measure makes people more willing to contemplate the giving up of their freedoms. It is as though society is in the process of forgetting why past generations thought these freedoms to be so very important.”



Peace by partying with Paul Joseph and Steve…


Google: Black Krishna

|||+> STEWART AND COLBERT… show us they are lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily news at and – and pass this info on to everybody – NOW!

|||+> CSPAN… Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII :: 8 mins ::


|||+> INFOWARS.COM… Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines :: 11 mins ::


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>VIDEO: Stephen Colbert talks to Big Oil (6 mins)


VIDEO: Stephen Colbert talks to Big Oil

:: 6 mins ::


Bush Didn’t Bungle Iraq, You Fools

The Mission Was Indeed Accomplished

By Greg Palast
March 20th, 2006

The Guardian-— Get off it. All the carping, belly-aching and complaining about George Bush’s incompetence in Iraq, from both the Left and now the Right, is just dead wrong.

On the third anniversary of the tanks rolling over Iraq’s border, most of the 59 million Homer Simpsons who voted for Bush are beginning to doubt if his mission was accomplished.

But don’t kid yourself — Bush and his co-conspirator, Dick Cheney, accomplished exactly what they set out to do. In case you’ve forgotten what their real mission was, let me remind you of White House spokesman Ari Fleisher’s original announcement, three years ago, launching of what he called,




O.I.L. How droll of them, how cute. Then, Karl Rove made the giggling boys in the White House change it to “OIF” — Operation Iraqi Freedom. But the 101st Airborne wasn’t sent to Basra to get its hands on Iraq’s OIF.

“It’s about oil,” Robert Ebel told me. Who is Ebel? Formerly the CIA’s top oil analyst, he was sent by the Pentagon, about a month before the invasion, to a secret confab in London with Saddam’s former oil minister to finalize the plans for “liberating” Iraq’s oil industry. In London, Bush’s emissary Ebel also instructed Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum, the man the Pentagon would choose as post-OIF oil minister for Iraq, on the correct method of disposing Iraq’s crude.

And what did the USA want Iraq to do with Iraq’s oil? The answer will surprise many of you: and it is uglier, more twisted, devilish and devious than anything imagined by the most conspiracy-addicted blogger. The answer can be found in a 323-page plan for Iraq’s oil secretly drafted by the State Department. Our team got a hold of a copy; how, doesn’t matter. The key thing is what’s inside this thick Bush diktat: a directive to Iraqis to maintain a state oil company that will “enhance its relationship with OPEC.”

Enhance its relationship with OPEC??? How strange: the government of the United States ordering Iraq to support the very OPEC oil cartel which is strangling our nation with outrageously high prices for crude.

Specifically, the system ordered up by the Bush cabal would keep a lid on Iraq’s oil production — limiting Iraq’s oil pumping to the tight quota set by Saudi Arabia and the OPEC cartel.

There you have it. Yes, Bush went in for the oil — not to get more of Iraq’s oil, but to prevent Iraq producing too much of it.

You must keep in mind who paid for George’s ranch and Dick’s bunker: Big Oil. And Big Oil — and their buck-buddies, the Saudis — don’t make money from pumping more oil, but from pumping less of it. The lower the supply, the higher the price.

It’s Economics 101. The oil industry is run by a cartel, OPEC, and what economists call an “oligopoly” — a tiny handful of operators who make more money when there’s less oil, not more of it. So, every time the “insurgents” blow up a pipeline in Basra, every time Mad Mahmoud in Tehran threatens to cut supply, the price of oil leaps. And Dick and George just love it.

Dick and George didn’t want more oil from Iraq, they wanted less. I know some of you, no matter what I write, insist that our President and his Veep are on the hunt for more crude so you can cheaply fill your family Hummer; that somehow, these two oil-patch babies are concerned that the price of gas in the USA is bumping up to $3 a gallon.

Not so, gentle souls. Three bucks a gallon in the States (and a quid a litre in Britain) means colossal profits for Big Oil, and that makes Dick’s ticker go pitty-pat with joy. The top oily-gopolists, the five largest oil companies, pulled in $113 billion in profit in 2005 — compared to a piddly $34 billion in 2002 before Operation Iraqi Liberation. In other words, it’s been a good war for Big Oil.

As per Plan Bush, Bahr Al-Ulum became Iraq’s occupation oil minister; the conquered nation “enhanced its relationship with OPEC;” and the price of oil, from Clinton peace-time to Bush war-time, shot up 317%.

In other words, on the third anniversary of invasion, we can say the attack and occupation is, indeed, a Mission Accomplished. However, it wasn’t America’s mission, nor the Iraqis’. It was a Mission Accomplished for OPEC and Big Oil.


Peace by pointing out paralleling prophets…


Google: Black Krishna

|||+> STEWART AND COLBERT… show us they are lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily news at and – and pass this info on to everybody – NOW!

|||+> CSPAN… Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII :: 8 mins ::


|||+> INFOWARS.COM… Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines :: 11 mins ::


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Filed under Black Krishna

>VIDEO: Korey Rowe Interviewed by Alex Jones on 9/11, Fighting in Iraq, CNN/CIA Lies and more… (23 mins)


Korey Rowe Interviewed by Alex Jones

All time views: 15,968

louder than words/prisonplanet
22 min 56 sec – Jun 29, 2006


CNN`s Cooper reportedly inks $4M deal

Jan 23, 2007, 9:08 GMT

ATLANTA, GA, United States (UPI) — Atlanta-based CNN anchor Anderson Cooper reportedly signed a new contract guaranteeing him at least $4 million annually.

The reported deal with Cooper, host of CNN`s ‘Anderson Cooper 360,’ would more than double his previous salary and would allow him to continue as a contributor to the CBS news magazine, ’60 Minutes,’ the Hollywood Reporter said Monday.

CNN declined to comment, but a spokeswoman for the network issued a statement that read, ‘Anderson Cooper is an exceptional journalist, and his dedication in going after important stories wherever they occur makes him a natural fit for CNN. We look forward to more of his groundbreaking work in the years to come.’

He has been with CNN since 2001 after stints with ABC News and Channel One News.

Copyright 2007 by United Press International

SOURCE –$4M_deal

Radar Exclusive

Anderson Cooper’s CIA Secret

Anderson Cooper has long traded on his biography, carving a niche for himself as the most human of news anchors. But there’s one aspect of his past that the silver-haired CNN star has never made public: the months he spent training for a career with the Central Intelligence Agency.

Following his sophomore and junior years at Yale—a well-known recruiting ground for the CIA—Cooper spent his summers interning at the agency’s monolithic headquarters in Langley, Virginia, in a program for students interested in intelligence work. His involvement with the agency ended there, and he chose not to pursue a job with the agency after graduation, according to a CNN spokeswoman, who confirmed details of Cooper’s CIA involvement to Radar.

“Whatever summer jobs or internships our anchors had in college couldn’t be less consequential,” she added. He has kept the experience a secret, sources say, out of concern that, if widely known, it might compromise his ability to travel in foreign countries and even possibly put him at greater risk from terrorists.

“He doesn’t want to be any more of a target than he already is,” says one Anderson confidante. On the other hand, as Bob Woodruff and others have learned, American journalists are already prime targets in the world’s conflict zones, and are typically accused of having CIA ties even where none exist. And by not disclosing his training before now, Cooper has arguably made it into a potential issue. “It creates the appearance of something smelly there,” says a former CNN official who knows Cooper. (Particularly in light of the period Anderson spent studying Vietnamese at the University of Hanoi after college. Soon after, Cooper apparently gave up his Bond fantasy to pursue a career in journalism—except for a brief period when he starred as host of ABC’s reality show, The Mole.)

According to the spokeswoman, Cooper told his bosses at CNN about his time with the agency. But even if he hadn’t, says Walter Isaacson, who headed the network from 2001 to 2003 and is now president of the Aspen Institute, it’s not the sort of thing that would automatically require disclosure, since the stint was brief and far in the past. “I think what he did was probably fine and cool, and I’ve got no problems with it,” he added.

Jeff Bercovici 09/06/06 8:00 AM

File Under: Anderson Cooper, Aspen Institute, Bob Woodruff, C.I.A., Central Intelligence Agency, CNN, Walter Isaacson, Yale


Peace by protecting our soldiers from our propaganda…


Google: Black Krishna

|||+> STEWART AND COLBERT… show us they are lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the daily news at and – and pass this info on to everybody – NOW!

|||+> CSPAN… Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII

:: 8 mins ::


|||+> INFOWARS.COM… Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines

:: 11 mins ::


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>GENERAL STRIKE APRIL 15TH? " Federal Workers Owe Billions in Unpaid Taxes" (AFTF Blog/WTOP Radio)


Federal Workers Owe Billions in Unpaid Taxes

Jan 17th – 10:26am
Mark Segraves, WTOP Radio

WASHINGTON – As the 2006 tax season approaches, the federal government is still trying to recover nearly $3 billion from its own employees who failed to file income tax returns for 2005.

More than 450,000 active and retired federal employees did not voluntarily comply with federal income tax requirements for the 2005 tax year, according to documents obtained by WTOP through the Freedom of Information Act. (See Excel spreadsheets in the Related Links below.)

The total balance owed is $2,799,950,165.

The documents show that every federal agency has employees who failed to comply with federal tax laws.

Seventy-one employees in the Executive Office of the President, which includes the White House, owe $664,527 in taxes for 2005. About 20 of those employees have entered into an IRS payment plan, bringing the EOP balance down to $455,881owed by 50 employees.

The White House did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

In fact, about one third of the delinquent employees, or 149,500, entered into a payment plan, but the total owed is still more than $2 billion.

At the IRS, employees can be fired for failure to pay federal income taxes. But an IRS spokesperson tells WTOP it’s no easier to collect from federal employees than it is to collect from the general public.

In the past, IRS officials have been quick to compare the federal workers’ rate of compliance with the general public’s. But this year, the IRS is not able to track the compliance rate for the general public. The percentage of federal employees who still owe back taxes for the 2005 year is 3.3 percent of the workforce including retirees.

The federal agency with the highest number of delinquent taxpayers is the United States Postal Service, where 56,652 employees owe more than $320 million. So far, about 22,000 of those employees have agreed to a payment plan.

A spokesperson for the Postal Service says the agency hopes all of its employees follow the law, but will leave enforcement to the IRS.

The agency with the best compliance rate is the Department of Treasury, which includes the IRS. Fewer than 2 percent of Treasury employees failed to pay their taxes. About 3,000 Treasury employees owed $13,489,683 — 1,437 of those feds also have made payment plans.

The IRS tracks the compliance rate of federal employees each year in an effort to increase compliance. Agency directors are made aware of their department’s compliance rate and then memos are sent to staff encouraging them to file their taxes.

(Copyright 2007 by WTOP Radio. All Rights Reserved.)



We Need Commitments for Thousands of AFTF DVDs and Volunteers To Pass Them Out In New Hampshire!


Supporters of Ed and Elaine Brown throughout America are being asked to help out in what is going to be a nationwide grassroots effort to “Restore Our Republic!”

We have secured a special rate per DVD of “Aaron Russo’s movie, America: Freedom To Fascism” (AFTF) in a special promotional effort to “get the truth out” about important issues facing our country today.

We have received commitments for 3000 AFTF DVDs which will be sent to Ed Brown’s local supporters in New Hamsphire. We need thousands more to follow. We need individuals to mobilize and work together to pass these DVDS all across New Hampshire and New England in massive quantities – to every sheriff, police chief, mayor, city council member, teacher, barber, bus driver, trucker, mother, father and students all all major colleges and universities. We need you! The future of America and the world is at stake.

If you are interested in joining us in this effort please email us at

Please visit to order the original “Directors Cut” AFTF DVD which is of higher quality and contains interviews, commercials, trailers, etc.

Note: The final label of this DVD will read: “Copyright protected, All Your Freedoms, Inc. This DVD may copied, but cannot not be edited, altered or added onto in any way. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.”


Chavez Blasts U.S. in Weekly Broadcast

AP | January 22, 2007

President Hugo Chavez told U.S. officials to “Go to hell!” on his weekly radio and TV show Sunday for what he called unacceptable meddling after Washington raised concerns about a measure to grant Venezuela’s fiery leftist leader broad lawmaking powers.

The National Assembly, which is controlled by the president’s political allies, is expected to give final approval this week to what it calls the “enabling law,” which would give Chavez the authority to pass a series of laws by decree during an 18-month period.

On Friday, U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Tom Casey said Chavez’s plans under the law “have caused us some concern.”

Chavez rejected Casey’s statement in his broadcast, saying: “Go to hell, gringos! Go home!”

Chavez, who was re-elected by a wide margin last month, has said he will enact sweeping reforms to remake Venezuela into a socialist state. Among his plans are nationalizing the main telecommunications company and the electricity and natural gas sectors.

The president’s opponents accuse him of using his political strength to expand his powers.

Relations between Caracas and Washington have been tense since Chavez was briefly ousted in a 2002 coup that he claimed the U.S. played a role in. The Bush administration has repeatedly denied being involved, although it recognized an interim government established by coup leaders.

Since then, Chavez has consistently accused the U.S. of conspiring to oust him and often asserts the CIA is working to destabilize his government. U.S. officials have denied trying to overthrow Chavez, but they have labeled him a threat to democracy.

Criticizing excessive consumption and self-indulgence, Chavez also announced plans in his broadcast to raise domestic gasoline prices and approve a new tax on luxury goods such as private yachts, second homes and extravagant automobiles.

He did not give details on the gas price hike, which he said would not affect bus drivers who provide public transportation, or the luxury tax. He said revenue from the new measures would be put toward government social programs.

Venezuela is one of the world’s leading petroleum exporters and gasoline now costs as little as 12 cents a gallon due to government subsidies.

In typical style, Chavez spoke for hours Sunday during his first appearance on the weekly program in five months. He sent his best wishes to the ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro, his close ally and friend who has been sidelined since intestinal surgery last summer.

Chavez also remarked on the hanging of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein: “They took out Saddam Hussein and they hanged him, for good or worse. It’s not up to me to judge any government, but that gentleman was the president of that country.”

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9/11 ballot question won’t have congressional help

Sunday, January 21, 2007 – 09:45 AM
Posted by: khence

By John Briggs — Free Press Staff Writer
January 21, 2007

Vermont’s two U.S. senators and one congressman are not interested in urging a new investigation into the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

A Burlington group working through the fall and early winter gathered more than 1,350 signatures — 5 percent of the city’s registered voters — to put an advisory question about 9/11 on the city’s Town Meeting Day ballot.

The question asks whether Vermont’s congressional delegation should be “advised to demand a new, thorough, and truly independent forensic investigation that fully addresses the many questions surrounding the tragic events of September 11, 2001.”


CSPAN: Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII

::: 8 mins :::


Peace by partying with public servants…


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|||+> CSPAN… Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII :: 8 mins ::


|||+> INFOWARS.COM… Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines :: 11 mins ::


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