Monthly Archives: February 2007

>THE GUARDIAN UK: Response: Don’t believe the official ‘conspiracy’ theory (Tim Sparke, Prod. "Loose Change – Final Cut")


Response: Don’t believe the official ‘conspiracy’ theory

We have to ask who stood to gain the most from the appalling events of 9/11, says Tim Sparke

Tuesday February 13, 2007
The Guardian

George Monbiot’s explicit attack on the film Loose Change (A 9/11 conspiracy virus is sweeping the world …, February 6) has no basis in fact. While we accept that there are flaws in the current version of the film, we stand by its overarching theme that the official “conspiracy” theory of 9/11, constructed in the hours, days, weeks and months after 9/11, is false.

In uncritically endorsing the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report, Monbiot neglects to say that the collapse mechanism for the entire World Trade Centre building was never documented by NIST – it didn’t see it as its job. Additionally, in accepting that the towers collapsed at virtually free-fall speed (“the weight of the collapsing top storeys generated a momentum the rest of the building could not arrest”), Monbiot shows no awareness that this explanation violates the law of conservation of momentum.

Monbiot also appears oblivious to NIST’s failure to explain that, although fire could not have melted any steel, there were pools of molten metal under the rubble, and these pools remained molten for weeks after the collapse; that dozens of people, including firefighters, news reporters and fleeing victims, all reported massive explosions; the clear video evidence of explosions taking place; that virtually all the concrete was pulverised into tiny particles; the apparent disintegration of the central steel core; and the destruction of all the evidence from America’s biggest crime scene, which was covertly transported to Asian and African shores before any forensic examination could take place.

Monbiot then endorses the idea that Building 7 collapsed because “thousands of gallons of diesel [were poured] on to the fire” – oblivious to the fact that, even if an enormous fire could have caused a symmetrical collapse (which required all 81 steel columns to miraculously fail simultaneously), there was, as photographs and eyewitnesses reveal, no enormous fire. Monbiot also appears unaware that several engineers and demolition experts, after studying videos, have declared that this collapse can only have been caused by explosives.

Monbiot suggests that thousands of people must have been involved in the conspiracy, as if the official story must therefore be true. We have no clue as to how many (though some suggest probably fewer than 1,000); but wasn’t the Manhattan project, involving 100,000, kept secret, even from Vice-President Truman, until weeks before the first atom bomb was dropped?

Monbiot then suggests that CounterPunch – by refuting the film’s claims – has to be correct, because it is a left-leaning newspaper. But acceptance of the official “conspiracy” theory is not a left or right political issue. It is about whether we should accept unconditionally a story which defeats the laws of physics, denies the abundance of witness testimony, and rejects video evidence put forward by an organisation, which, in hindsight, we know had the means, motive and opportunity, and also has a record of being economical with the truth.

We agree that our movie can’t answer all the questions that millions of people now have – but the fact that Loose Change is the most downloaded film in internet history is the strongest argument for an honest public debate, and a truly independent inquiry. As we say in the 9/11 Truth Movement: ask questions, demand answers, investigate 9/11.

Tim Sparke is executive producer of Loose Change Final Cut.

· If you wish to respond to an article in which you have featured, email or write to Response, The Guardian, 119 Farringdon Road, London EC1R 3ER. We cannot guarantee to publish all responses, and we reserve the right to edit pieces for both length and content

SOURCE –,,2011845,00.html

Webster Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. World War Three

::: 8 mins :::


Peace by proving the prophets pissing on propaganda exist…


Google: Black Krishna

|||+> STEWART AND COLBERT… show us our leaders are lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the websites below and pass it on!


|||+> CSPAN… Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII

::: 8 mins :::


|||+> INFOWARS.COM… Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines

::: 11 mins :::


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>VIDEO: Dave Chappelle on The Game + Sen. Chris Dodd on a Bill Restoring The Constitution


Dave Chappelle at Radio City Music Hall

::: 10 mins :::


Senator Dodd to introduce ‘Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007’; Bans torture, restores habeas corpus

Raw Story
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) will introduce a bill called the “Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007” tomorrow, according to a website his presidential campaign put up today.

The bill will overturn parts of the “Military Commissions Act,” signed into law last October, which suspends habeas corpus for “alien enemy combatants.”

“I want to see us get back as a nation that supports the rule of law,” said Dodd in an Internet video introducing the legislation. “That was our tradition, by and large, over the last fifty years … and we’ve watched this administration retreat from those standards, and as a result I think the world is a more dangerous place today because we’re unwilling to stand up for the rule of law.”

According to the blog Blue Jersey, New Jersey Democratic senator Robert Menendez, who voted for the Military Commissions Act, will co-sponsor the bill.

A video of Dodd talking about the bill is below. The name of the bill has apparently changed since the video was created.

::: 2 mins :::


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>NOTE: We’re on the verge of WW3, and if you don’t "know" or "believe" this then that’s my point.


hey beb,

no worries, i know that “subjective” truth is seen by many as the “smarter” thing to assume even though it’s not, and we can all keep saying “how can you know?” about everything and never figure anything out, never trust each other enough to act, and never respect the people who can help us win.

so: we’ll lose.

i’m not just saying it’s “me” or preaching any loyalty to one source, i’m saying that we can know the truth if we want from certain people and react to it, and they are NOT the ones promoted by the corporations poisoning our food, minds, bodies and planet.

that includes this “2 year presidential campaign” and barack obama, a pretty-boy distraction ignoring iraq and acting “tough” on iran, who has us dreaming of january 2009 when a democratic president takes over instead of forcing the democrats in congress to do something to stop the Bushtapo now:

we’re babies, and he’s a rattle.

certain people have built up credibility with me, i’ve seen them be “right” or tell the “truth” in open defiance of the crap on TV over the years, and i haven’t caught them lying and propagandizing. when they are “wrong” about some small detail, they apologize for it and humbly correct themselves, going for truth to “win” in knowing the true horror of what awaits us:

exhibit a: see what the same people in charge of us have done to the third world.

their analysis is completely different from people we know have lied to us – which makes sense since “honest” people say different things than “liars”. most watch tv and say they “know” the media lies, but that’s stupid since they don’t “know” how much they lie, and are just guessing as to what they’re missing.

we’re on the verge of WW3, and if you don’t “know” or “believe” this then that’s my point. the most credible and incredible “experts” and “whistleblowers” challenging the official B.S. have been banished from the mass media, meaning they can only speak out on radio and the internet – and are doing so like crazy to stop us from self-destructing.

most people are saying what you say: we “can’t” know the “truth”, which means we can’t “save” ourselves, because we “won’t” listen to the people who’ve researched it harder than others – unlike the natural respect and open mind given to similar efforts in other disciplines.

this is “learned” behaviour from TV, not one’s own opinion – which would be to assume someone who’s studied something more would have more insight. it’s part of the plan to keep us from trusting each other, and the “right” knows they don’t have to win every argument, they just have to lie and muddy the debate enough to avoid “losing” it, leaving most people assuming there are “two sides” when in fact one is a lie.

see: “torture” vs. “don’t torture”, and recognize with the “War on Terror” and “War in Iraq” just getting worse and worse, the thousands of people being tortured are obviously “innocent” in providing no good intelligence. there’s a lot more evidence of this, but if you stick to the mass media’s version of the debate then you’ll end up in a “tie”, and the torture will continue, just like the war, spying and everything else – the results of your “you can’t know the truth” theory.

we either figure out what the “lies” are or we ignore the police state soon sticking us in “FEMA camps”, and the reason you say what you say is because it’s what you are supposed to say to ensure we lose.

welcome to 21st century propaganda, we hope you enjoyed you stay, and will be leaving shortly…


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>I don’t think "God" was supposed to replace "Knowledge", and blind faith shouldn’t beat an open mind.


Hey Y’all,

You’re making everything that might happen up, while I’m going on the research I’ve done. This is how silly we’ve become, where we can fantasize about happiness around the corner instead of listen to the hard evidence of how to achieve it.

And yes, “global tyrants” have come and gone, but they’ve also ruled the World for hundreds of years, and this whole “freedom” thing is a relatively new and dying concept.

You “think”, I “know”, and that certainty has to be respected, if not from me than from someone else. We can’t just “think” anymore, and the last few times we “thought” things weren’t “that bad” we were wrong every single time.

The Dems don’t “control” anything, as their impotence over the first month has proven, and rather than DO anything now they’d prefer to get us over-excited about what they might do in 2009, when one of them might take over the Presidency in January. They are pro-war and acting like it no matter what people voted them in to do, and they are distracting us from the bumper-to-bumper destroyers circling in the Persian Gulf ready to strike.

I know WW3 is scary, and if I didn’t “know” we are on the verge of it I wouldn’t say it. Your “best-case scenario” makes no sense when we’ve only seen the worst-case scenario so far, and closing our eyes when we have opportunities to learn won’t endear us to anyone, neither the God we pray to nor the People we’ll kill, at least not in my Book.

I don’t think “God” was supposed to replace “Knowledge”, and blind faith shouldn’t beat an open mind. I have no respect for anyone of any faith who’d prefer to pray to God than use the tools God gave them, and just like the classic “flood” story, we have a car, a boat and a helicopter available if we want them to save ourselves.

Love, BK

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>An Even More Inconvenient Truth


Hey Y’all,

My take on Global Warming took what I’d already heard plus 15 minutes of Googling and a half-hour of typing. While I’m not expert on the environment, I am an expert on propaganda, and this is some beautiful 21st Century artwork. This is being promote everywhere – like “propaganda” always is – because it’s not about “saving the environment”, and if you really want to do something then stop the rain-forest from being burned down or get the fluoride out of our water-supply.

Details are below in a blog, but…

The main thing is: DON’T commit Canada to paying a Global Tax to a group of people working for the same corporations that have been destroying the environment. We have NO guarantees of how they’re going to use it or whether any penalties will be successful, and countries and corporations have been in open violation of other “treaties” for years. The corporations own the mass media, and the main reason they are promoting the hell out of this as opposed to ANY other “environmental” causes is because it’s a big fat lie, and it won’t solve any environmental problem.

They didn’t care before, and they don’t care now.

For “AIDS”, a few years ago they got a bunch of nice “liberal” or “progressive” people to make a giant blanket, or the “AIDS Quilt”, and that didn’t cure AIDS either.

It’s a distraction, like giving a baby a rattle until they get bored with it, then a stuffed animal, then a dolly, and so on. After giving us nothing to cheer about for years they are ALL giving us this – and – I don’t mean “agreeing” with it, I mean deciding this is what should be discussed for hours, and taking us like a nursery rhyme through a nice set of pro’s and con’s with a predetermined outcome.

Many of the people arguing will think it’s “real” too, but they’ll keep the best of the “This is B.S.!” arguments off the TV, and even if a weaker version gets too loud they’ll just take them off too, or put people on who are supposed to lose their own arguments. Most pundits on TV get a few thousand dollars and appearance, and they know what they are supposed to say if they want to be invited back.

The most obvious example is the “left” or “antiwar” people on “Fox News” who either stutter, act retarded, look like crap or essentially agree with the pro-war side by the end of the show. That’s the “fake debate” crap that got Heckle and Jeckle addicted to thinking people like me are stupid – you can rent “OutFoxed” for more on that. I could easily kick the asses of anyone on TV, and so could the people I listen to, but none of us are invited on “Fox” or “CNN” and barely seen anywhere else.

With no “real” information, stupid and macho we can’t “cut-and-run” 3-word arguments begin to make sense. With nothing else to argue about, both the “left” and the “right” babble away about “both sides” of an issue they don’t even understand, and as if the “shame” of ending the “wars” is reason to continue torturing and killing millions of innocent people based on a bunch of lies and hugely corrupt profiteering that’s never meant to end because people are making trillions off selling weapons.

In fact, about $2-3 trillion a year is “unaccounted for” or “missing” or “stolen” from the Pentagon, depending on what you want to call “theft”, and that’s their own numbers from an ABC News rarity and other sources.

Our media is a great system, because unlike the people of Communist Russia or China, we don’t “know” we’re being “propagandized”. Any dictator in history would DREAM of our media system, because it makes using violence to screw people both more hidden and less necessary. It’s a clever trick, because “Fox News” also makes everyone else look reasonable – and the “CBC” like the Word of God itself.

Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, said what you want in a perfect (Nazi) media system is “An ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity”, and that’s what we have with 2 owners of the mass media in Canada and 5 owners in the U.S. all making us think they’re disagreeing when they’re just talking nonsense to hide the truth.

It’s a lie, because while they all “touch” on “truth” once in a while, it’s not what they “promote” day-after-day (like O.J.!) to get us inspired or angry or informed enough to do anything about it. What you see covered for weeks is a big bunch of garbage meant to tell you a story you’ll forget in a few months, like the “Quebec Sponsorship Scandal”, the biggest thing in the World until it became completely unimportant. You can see it, and as the World keeps getting worse what we keep learning on TV doesn’t seem to be helping, training us to live with powerlessness and failure.

The main reason they are using “Global Warming” to scare us into feeling even more guilty is to get us to “sacrifice”, or pay “taxes”, which have been the basis for “government” for thousands of years. People agreed to give up a portion of what they have in exchange for a central body that organizes their society, it’s always the same, and when “taxes” get too crazy is when people usually revolt, like the U.S. kicking the British out with the “Boston Tea Party” and American Revolution. These days taxes are crazy everywhere but governments and corporations have bought and sold themselves a lot of guns and mass media brainwashing-machines, so revolts are rarer than they would be in countries where most people are suffering.

Taxes are also incredibly evil because nobody understands them. They can be raised arbitrarily and justified using the “media” in a “democracy”, where people are kept uninformed and don’t discuss “politics” because it’s depressing – giving the TV the chance to form their only opinions. As prices go up, instead of really telling us why, they just make complex excuses and scare the hell out of us, and get the rich to argue with the poor over whether the “government” is good or not. The middle-class then endorses screwing poor people while both sides become more selfish and spiritually and morally weaker, after all you can’t be jerks forever and feel good about it.

Then, when nobody knows what’s happening, the super-rich steal even more from the weak and stupid middle-class to empower an “upper-middle-class”, or Bush’s “tax-cuts for the rich”, who then argue that the “Government is good!” and for screwing the middle-class. So, another fight is created while big chunks of the middle-class begin to join the poor – as is happening now. They keep slicing off the bottom layers of society until the only people in control are 5% at the top while another 10% fight to join them, giving them enough political clout to maintain an unjust system.

By the way, this isn’t my “theory”, this is the Third World.

Now they are making us feel “smart” and “good” for “saving the environment” while teaching us how to get “angry” at anyone who disagrees like they are “destroying” it, rendering any rational conversation useless. It’s just like the Bushites who get angry when anyone disagrees with or criticizes “the President”, proving it’s not just “Bush” supporters but rather anyone who can be stampeded into ignorant anger. That’s what “Al Gore” and his status are doing, and if he’s so “angry” and knows what he’s talking about, then apparently we should get “angry” too, and accuse anyone else of being a “Bush/Harper supporter” or in “denial”, or of committing treason against Mother Nature Herself.

They are getting the 80% of people who hate “Bush” or “Harper” or “Right-wing nuts” to rush behind this solution because it’s empowering a Global Government being built and created out of “taxes”, and if you think fighting “property tax” in “Smallton” is tough, wait until you have to petition Geneva, Switzerland for others, or wherever.

When you want to complain they won’t listen, and will send local Canadian cops to enforce the “agreement” anyway, because of course “Canada must fulfill her ‘obligations’ to Kyoto!” against Canadian citizens – NOT corporations and government. Then the Global Governance-body (if you prefer) will create some new “scare” and raise “taxes”, maybe “Tsunami’s!” and a “Danger-pay tax!” on shipping-goods, and bit-by-bit they’ll keep scaring us with some “disaster” and selling us their fake solutions, growing the centralization of global government and corporate power.

Canada has already been in violation of numerous environmental treaties with no repercussions, and if we sign any deals like this then we’ll end up paying for it while our governments and corporations get-off scot-free – just like they’re doing now. No one can explain the “plan” to me, just that we should get behind it, and how all their environmental “fears’n’fantasies” justify it. I’m sorry, but until someone can explain exactly what the hell is happening and how this is going to solve it, I’m not buying it.

There you go, just a little window into my World, and since I avoid being confused and scared by the liars on TV, this stuff is just a Digestive Cookie… 😉

Love, BK

P.S. Here is the original with links and clips…

HISTORY in 10 mins + The Noam/11 Conspiracy + Global Warming = Global Taxing: Don’t believe the liars lying again! JUST SAY NO!!!

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>YAHOO NEWS… a "dictatorship" led by President Bush poses a true threat to democracy around the world + Hugo Chavez on Tavis Smiley ::: 4 mins :::


As of 8:57 p.m. EST

• Bush spy chief nominee vows to focus on domestic threats
• Olmert defends much-criticized actions during Lebanon war
• Venezuela’s Chavez calls Bush a ‘criminal’
• Mary Cheney says her pregnancy is not a ‘political statement’
• U.S. agents watching jails for illegal immigrants
• Seas may be rising faster than predicted


Venezuela’s Chavez slams Bush on Iraq

By IAN JAMES, Associated Press Writer Thu Feb 1, 2:26 PM ET

CARACAS, Venezuela – President Hugo Chavez dismissed Washington’s concerns that Venezuela’s democracy is under threat, saying a “dictatorship” led by President Bush poses a true threat to democracy around the world.

Condemning the war in Iraq, the Venezuelan leader said that Bush and John Negroponte, a former director of national intelligence who is designated for the No. 2 position in the State Department, should be tried for “war crimes” committed by the U.S. military across the globe.

“The two of them are criminals. They should be tried and thrown in prison for the rest of their days,” Chavez told a news conference.

“If he had any dignity, the president of the United States would quit. The U.S. president doesn’t have the political or moral capacity to govern,” he added.

Chavez was responding to comments made on Wednesday by Bush, who said he was concerned about Venezuela’s democracy.

“I am concerned about the undermining of democratic institutions. And we’re working to help prevent that from happening,” Bush said in an interview with Fox News.

Relations between Caracas and Washington have been tense recently, with U.S. officials accusing Chavez — a close ally of Cuban leader Fidel Castro — of becoming increasingly authoritarian and Chavez accusing U.S. officials of scheming against his left-leaning government.

Last week, Chavez threatened to expel U.S. Ambassador William Brownfield for “meddling” in Venezuela’s domestic affairs. Brownfield has called for improved relations between the two countries, but said he’s ready to leave if the Chavez administration decides to expel him.

Chavez fiercely denied that his initiative to accelerate changes in broad areas of Venezuelan society through presidential decree, which was approved by the pro-Chavez Congress on Wednesday, would endanger his country’s democracy.

“The people gave me the power I have, and it’s within the framework of a constitution,” Chavez said.

Critics have called the measure giving Chavez sweeping powers to legislate as a move toward dictatorship.

The law gives Chavez, who is beginning a fresh six-year term, more power than he has ever had in eight years as president, and he plans to use it during the next 18 months to transform this oil-rich South American nation.

Chavez, a former army lieutenant colonel who was re-elected with 63 percent of the vote in December, also announced that his government would nationalize oil projects in Venezuela’s Orinoco River basin by May 1.

Any foreign oil company that resists the nationalization, under which Venezuela’s state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA would take a stake of “no less 60 percent,” can leave, Chavez said.

The Venezuelan president said the private companies affected — British Petroleum PLC, Exxon Mobil Corp., Chevron Corp., ConocoPhillips Co., Total SA and Statoil ASA — would be given the option to stay on as minority partners in petroleum-rich region.

“I’m sure that they’re going to accept this because we are going to continue being partners. Now, if they aren’t in agreement, they are totally free to leave,” he said.

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Hugo Chavez on Tavis Smiley

::: 4 mins :::

Added September 25, 2006
From bijrez

Venezuela President Hugo Chávez discuss Venezuela President Hugo Chávez discusses his oil-for-poor program, U.S. foreign relations policy, his controversial anti-Bush comments and criticism of the United Nations.

To see the entire interview:


Peace by proving the prophets pissing on propaganda exist…


Google: Black Krishna

|||+> STEWART AND COLBERT… show us our leaders are lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the websites below and pass it on!


|||+> CSPAN… Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII

::: 8 mins :::


|||+> INFOWARS.COM… Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines

::: 11 mins :::


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>CNN Report: Making fun of the State of the Union Address (2 mins) + PropagAnderson Cooper’s 360 Degree in 007 + Refuge of Last Resort (1 mins)

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>HISTORY in 10 mins + The Noam/11 Conspiracy + Global Warming = Global Taxing: Don’t believe the liars lying again! JUST SAY NO!!!

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>CBC: 4th bomb-plot suspect granted bail + Cuban, Venezuelan Intel Say 911 Was An Inside job


4th bomb-plot suspect granted bail

Last Updated: Tuesday, August 8, 2006 | 4:35 PM ET

CBC News

A fourth person charged in an alleged plot to bomb targets in Ontario was granted bail Tuesday morning.

The 17-year-old, who cannot be identified under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, appeared in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Brampton, just northwest of Toronto.

The teen was released on $137,000 bail, arranged by his parents and four other family acquaintances.

He faces several conditions while out on bail:

* He must remain in his parents’ house at all times, unless accompanied by one of his six sureties.
* He may not leave the province.
* He must not use the internet.
* He can only use the phone to speak to his sureties, the authorities or his legal counsel.
* He must surrender all his travel documents.

The teenager is among 17 men and youths arrested after a police sweep in the Toronto area in June.

Two other teens and a 21-year-old man from Mississauga have also been released on bail.

An 18th suspect, a 19-year-old man from Mississauga, was arrested on Aug. 3 as part of the investigation.

The RCMP said the investigation continues as the Mounties work with regional police forces. An RMCP spokesperson has said police are not ruling out more arrests.


NOTE: The Original Article Contains Pictures And Highlighted Text With Links To More Articles Corroborating What Is Being Referred To…

Canadian ‘Terror Plot’ Begins To Unravel

Terrorists set up in sting operation, more on unfounded London raid

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | June 6 2006

Just as predicted, the frightening plot to bomb high profile targets in Toronto and the arrest of 17 alleged terror suspects has all the hallmarks of yet another invented nightmare intended to scare western populations into quelling their dissent of the empire.

From a manufactured scheme to attack the Library Tower in LA to the British government’s hoax Canary Wharf and Ricin terror conspiracies – every major alert or mass arrest since 9/11 has proven to be a fraudulent movie script with no basis in reality.

As the credibility of Friday’s London terror raid collapses, so does its counterpart in Canada with the news that the arrests were a sting operation in which, “The Royal Canadian Mounted Police itself delivered three tons of potential bomb-making material,” to the alleged terrorists according to the Associated Press. As one blog points out, “I remember once when huge lots of Chinese food were ordered in someone else’s name by bored teenagers as pranks. Do things like that still happen, I wonder, and could they happen with fertilizer, too?”

At the moment CSIS is saying very little and it appears that the bulk of the case is being built around stage prop photos of ‘sample’ bags of ammonium nitrate, guns and explosive timers (pictured below).

The Canadians are obviously taking a leaf out of the Russian textbook of government sponsored terror. After FSB (former KGB) agents were caught in the act of carrying out apartment block bombings in the late 1990’s, the Russian state media relentlessly showcased a bag of hexogen explosive and cited it as proof that their official story stood up.

For those who are aware of the past activities of CSIS it’s going to take more than a scary display of terrorist paraphernalia to validate the government’s account of events.

In August 2003 26 Pakistani and South Asian men were arrested during a pre-dawn raid by the RCMP under Project Thread. The weight of the evidence behind the accusation that they were planning a dirty bomb attack on a nuclear facility comprised of the fact that the suspects often burned meals and one of them had a poster of airplane schematics on his wall. All allegations were dropped and the men were released, but not before a media juggernaut fearmongering campaign about how Canadians in major cities were not safe.

The story also coincides with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service’s Senate demand for more funding to fight terrorism. It is hardly beyond the pale to suggest that this is another imaginary nightmare dreamt up in order to scare Canadian politicians into rubber stamping a giant cash cow.

Authorities have been very keen to stress that the Internet, and the ability of the security services to intercept e mail and web browsing history, were key to the supposed plot. This kills two birds with one stone – firstly drag the name of the Internet through the mud and solidify calls for government regulation – and secondly chill Canadians into thinking that their every cyber action is being catalogued by the state.

Racial tension, always a boon for the police state, has increased with reports of Mosques in Toronto being attacked. Armed tactical units of the police are now patrolling Toronto streets (pictured above).

Meanwhile in London it emerges that 250 armed police who raided a family home in the Forest Gate area, shooting a man in the shoulder, first smashed their way into the suspect’s neighbors house, brandishing machine guns and beating an innocent man with the gun butt as his wife and eight-month-old baby watched in horror.

However, as the supposed chemical weapons that justified the raid are now admitted to “not exist,” the police are unapologetic in their actions, forcefully telling Brits that this is an aspect of the new world order that they must learn to accept.



Paul Joseph Watson’s Blurbs

About me:

Paul Joseph Watson’s Propaganda Matrix started in mid-2001 as a political newsletter and has since emerged as one of the leading alternative news websites on the Internet.

Watson’s debut book, Order Out of Chaos was published in the Summer of 2003. Many peers in the field consider this to be the most well researched and credibly sourced book of its kind ever written.

Watson has appeared on numerous worldwide radio shows and in many magazines, including Vanity Fair. Watson has appeared on Coast to Coast AM – America’s biggest late night talk show with an estimated 20 million listeners and The James Whale Show on TalkSport, the UK’s largest commercial radio station. Watson’s work has been featured on hundreds of other websites both large and small.

Watson is also the webmaster for radio host, actor and documentary film maker Alex Jones’ Prison and Prison Watson also appears on Jones’ nationally syndicated radio broadcast on a weekly basis and features in Jones’ recent documentary about the July 2005 London bombings.

Paul Joseph Watson is currently working on his second book, which is due to be completed in late 2006.

Alex Jones’
Alex Jones’
Propagandamatrix – Paul Watson’s website


Cuban, Venezuelan Intel Say 911 Was An Inside job

By Wayne Madsen

(WMR) — Add Cuba and Venezuela to the list of countries that knew of and informed the Bush administration about a “major terrorist attack” prior to 911.

In addition to Russia, Jordan, France, Germany, and other nations, Venezuelan and Cuban intelligence picked up chatter about a “major terrorist attack” on the United States prior to 911.

Cuban intelligence, which has an extensive network in Florida — a home base of the hijackers and their handlers — initially picked up reports about the attack and passed the information to both the United States and Venezuela. However, the Bush administration failed to react to this and other foreign warnings.

Venezuelan intelligence, likely from its own sources in Florida and elsewhere, confirmed that something major would occur in the United States.

The failure of the Bush administration to heed these warnings coupled with subsequent intelligence picked up by the Cuban and Venezuelan security services have led them to conclude that 9-11 was carried out as a result of an “inside job” within the Bush administration.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has announced plans to hold an international 9-11 commission of inquiry in Caracas that will bring together a host of international government, security, and political leaders.

Already, preliminary meetings in Caracas for the conference have attracted the attention of the FBI. Recently, an FBI agent asked for the guest list of a hotel on Margarita island to check on names of guests, including Americans, associated with the preliminary planning meetings for the conference.

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Peace by partying with the people’s press corps…


Google: Black Krishna

|||+> STEWART AND COLBERT… show us our leaders are lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the websites below and pass it on!


|||+> CSPAN… Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII

::: 8 mins :::


|||+> INFOWARS.COM… Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines

::: 11 mins :::


Jon Stewart interviews Rajiv Chandrasekaran, author of the book “Imperial Life In The Emerald City” about the Green Zone in Baghdad…

::: 4 mins :::


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>SPACE BEAMS II: Until then it’s just jerking off trying to stay ahead of the "Guess what I know!" curve…


Yo JB,

I don’t care if David Icke believes in Lizards running the World, and he seems like a nice and sincere guy so I’ll even admit it’s possible.

I would have a problem with him saying they were responsible for 9/11 in a Godzilla-like or other attack knocking down the towers, and if you’ll notice he responsibly never ties the two ideas directly together.

There’s enough solid evidence that’s so beyond refutation the mass media won’t touch it, while the rest of the nonsense is seized upon to say: “See? They have no proof!”

The speculation delivered as “fact” like you did interferes with scientifically proveable and peer-accepted evidence in the 9/11 Truth Movement, and sounds exactly like what a government operative would say to discredit us as a gift to our detractors.

And really, that’s my only problem with your “space beams” crap: it’s not supported by anything at all – including that photograph of a chemtrail you posted.

Now, I’m sure we’ll learn about space beams and flying saucers and whatever the hell else they’ve been up to at Area 51 one of these days – and it will blow our minds. But, before fantasizing messes up our chance for clear indictments of the real criminals behind 9/11 using clear evidence, I’d like people from the “space beam” camp to provide anything at all worth considering, from scientific instruments to cameraphones to planning documents.

Until then it’s just jerking off trying to stay ahead of the “Guess what I know!” curve, and unlike really jerking off, a complete waste of time… 😉


P.S. And no, the “Zionists” don’t run everything, and you don’t need to use that word 50 times to provoke a reaction.

Israel may even be destroyed by the elite in the “Clash of Civilizations” playing out now in the book written by Samuel Huntington, so really, I feel sorry for them and their “fake permanent enemy to set up a police state propaganda” situation.

They’ve been played as well, and the anti-Arab propaganda assault warping America for the last 5 years has been happening in Israel for the last 50, rendering their total destruction a “normal” result of their situation in the same way America is being trained to accept (false flag) “dirty bombs” blowing up cities for the next few years like on “24”.

The same group of London and Wall Street financiers controls the World – AND – America’s support of Israel, as well as destabilization efforts everywhere. America’s domestic and foreign policy are being run by the Federal Reserve and World Bank respectively, according to Robert Reich, President Clinton’s former Secretary of Labor. The elite set up this stupid “War on Terror” fight to eventually attack and destroy Russia, China and the Arab World. This attack accomplishes the elite’s goals of eliminating uncooperative competition and population reduction of “undesirables”, as well as creating a World Government under the UN.

The “Zionists” you speak of are only empowered because they help the divide and conquor strategies work, just like other extremist groups. This is not all Israel’s doing, but since they’ve been given so much power the “Zionist” elite certainly act in thier own interests as well, sometimes to the detriment of Americas.

But: both sides are using each other, and we can never forget who can tell them what to do and take their power away, including cutting off the $2 bln or more in U.S. aid they receive per year.

While Israel’s role should be acknowledged when it’s found, blaming them for everything or using the term “Zionists” a whole bunch of times – even with half-hearted caveats – seems like another gift from a government operative to 9/11 Truth detractors to fuel anti-semitic claims, and keep us from looking “up” at the real sources of power in London and on Wall Street.

I’m not saying it is, but I’m saying it might as well be…

Peace, (NOW!!!)

Truth Videos Surge Into Google Top 100; Terror Storm at Number 11

Prison Planet
Wednesday, January 31, 2007




Google: Black Krishna

|||+> STEWART AND COLBERT… show us our leaders are lying and trying to dumb us down, to find out why and help Save The World, please Google for “TerrorStorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism”, “America: Freedom to Fascism” and “”. Also, check the websites below and pass it on!


|||+> CSPAN… Webster G. Tarpley on 9/11 Truth vs. WWIII

::: 8 mins :::


|||+> INFOWARS.COM… Alex Jones on the Mercury in Vaccines

::: 11 mins :::


Google Search: “odigo 911”

Results 1 – 10 of about 37,900 for odigo 911. (0.11 seconds)

Odigo Says Workers Were Warned Of 911 Attack 2 Hours Before

Odigo Says Workers Were Warned Of 911 Attack 2 Hours Before … Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two … – 4k – Cached – Similar pages

Mossad – The Israeli Connection To 911
Shortly after 9/11, Odigo was taken over by Comverse Technology, another Israeli company. Within a year, five executives from Comverse were reported to have … – 29k – Cached – Similar pages

The Israeli Spy Ring
Odigo, which had offices near the World Trade Towers, is the company which received a two hour advance warning of the attacks of 9-11. … – 16k – Cached – Similar pages

Even prior to 9-11, getting a gun on board a passenger plane represented a serious … By virtue of the Odigo warning, someone knew enough about the planned … – 10k – Cached – Similar pages

Odigo: Instant Messages Warned Of Terrorist Attacks
The New York-based company said the contents of the messages, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the sender, was given to the FBI. – 61k – Cached – Similar pages

9-11 Research: Attack Warnings
On 9/11/01, Jim Pierce, cousin of President Bush, was scheduled to attend a conference … Odigo says workers were warned of attack,, [cached] … – 23k – Cached – Similar pages

The Truth Seeker – September 11
Village Voice Hit Piece Attacks 9/11 Skeptics · Odigo says workers were warned of attack · 9/11 and the Israeli “Art Students” … – 48k – Cached – Similar pages

Odigo Workers Received Warning of 9/11 Attacks [ …

Odigo Workers Received Warning of 9/11 Attacks Odigo, … – 35k – Cached – Similar pages

The days and hours leading up to 9-11 were marked by a series of chilling … “Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees …–Advance_warnings.htm – 61k – Cached – Similar pages

GRAND THEFT COUNTRY | 9/11 – Foreknowledge: Odigo Employees …
Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages … Odigo is a U.S.-based company whose headquarters are in New York, … – 28k – Cached – Similar pages

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