Daily Archives: September 3, 2005

>New Orleans Mayor speaks the TRUTH for 11 minutes and 49 seconds on the only place he can: Air America Radio!!!

>Audio Gallery

9/2 – Click Here to Hear New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin on sister station WWL as heard on Air America.

MUST LISTEN BEFORE TALKING SHIT – http://www.airamericaradio.com/katrina/


BONUS: Guest rant by Steve Gilliard linked from CrooksandLiars.com

Saturday, September 03, 2005

We told you so

An American failed by Bush

A note to our conservative friends:


Ever wonder why New Yorkers detest George Bush?

Because we experienced his incompetence up close and person. We knew this guy was full of shit, absolutely full of fucking shit, after they started to play games with the funding and gave Wyoming terrorism money. We knew he was an assclown then.

We thought DC 9/11 was a comedy, because the Bush we saw hid in AF One like the scared bitch that he is.

But did you listen?

Fuck no. Until last week, Ann Coulter was calling New Yorkers cowards for not endorsing Bush’s folly in Iraq.

We have been screaming for two years that Bush and his team sucked. That they had no clue. They sent soldiers to be wounded in Iraq without armored anything. And you idiots cheered him on from the safety of your keyboards. We told you he was fucking up Iraq. But no, we supported Saddam, we were racist, we blamed America.

You say this isn’t about politics? Fuck you, this IS politics, real time, real life politics, where the insanity of all your ideas are exposed to the world for the fraud that they are. Tax cuts kill. Ask the relatives of the dead of the Gulf Coast.

Well, motherfuckers, the alligators are feasting on dead nigger and there isn’t an Iraqi in sight. And Bush is trying to gladhand his way through a mess which has stunned FOX reporters. I mean, Shepard Smith is calling Fox’s talking heads liars ON THE AIR.

CNN rips Bush in print and online after nearly five years of sleep.

Instead of hearing what we had to say about Bush, you called John Kerry a coward, mocked Max Cleland, blamed everything but herpes on Bill Clinton. You enabled Bush into this mess and now you’re shocked?

Now, Fox can be outraged, now, Wash Times and Union Leader call Bush weak? Well, his coward ass disappeared in 2001. But you rather blame Michael Moore for that.

He can’t even explain the Iraq war to a grieving mother.

So what did you do?

Write the most vile things about her and her dead son. Attacked her patriotism and her honesty.

Well, motherfuckers, and that means you, fat ass Goldberg and your master, Rich Lowry, PNAC Bitch Beinart, the racist wannabe white Malkin and the little fucktards at LGF, Bareback Andy and “Diversity” Instacracker, all you backstabbing, fag hating uncle tom ministers, you can see Dear Leader in action. America’s largest port is gone, maybe forever, gas is $5+ a gallon and FEMA is coming. Whores come faster with old men than FEMA is getting to NOLA.

How did your wartime President react? Like Chiang Kai-Shek when the Yellow River flooded in 1944, with corrupt indifference.

Bush, the man your fever dreams built into the next Winston Churchill when he is really the live action Chauncey Gardiner, has failed to everyone, in plain sight, without question. Rick Perry is trying to save his ass, but it ain’t working. NOLA looks like ANGOLA and that ain’t flying.

Say 9/11 changed everything now, motherfuckers. Ooops, 9/11, 9/11. 9/11. Doesn’t work anymore? Gee, maybe the sea of alligator MRE’s once known as the citizens of New Orleans has something to do with that. Now you can shut the fuck up about 9/11. Bush just proved what would happen with another 9/11. Dead Americans as far as the nose can smell.

Drunken Chris Hitchens muttered some nonsense about blacks having it so good here. The poor man needs to stay in his bottle or go to Betty Ford before someone beats his treasonous ass stupid. Islamofascism means what, now motherfucker? Shove Islamofascism up your well travelled ass. The most dangerous thing to average Americans is not some mullah in Iraq, not even Osama Bin Laden, but George Bush. If he doesn’t get you killed in Iraq, he’ll fuck up saving your city so it turns into Escape from New Orleans. Armed junkies roaming the streets, looking for a fix, robbing and looting like Serb paramilitaries and about as sober.

George Bush’s ineptitude has killed far more Americans than Osama could have dreamed of.

Some of you still try to see the clothes on the Dauphin, but he’s as naked as Peter North around Jenna Jameson. Bush fucked up so bad, FOX turned on him like a rabid dog.

You can’t hide behind racism forever. Bush fucked up, Bush is a weak, callous leader and the world knows this like it knows few other things. And all the stolen TV’s in the world cannot hide that.

posted by Steve @ 12:01:00 AM
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SOURCE – http://stevegilliard.blogspot.com/2005/09/we-told-you-so.html


“To all the Brown Shirts,
In Red States,
Been getting fucked in the ass-
Since ya first date,

Better make Bush,
Before it’s too late,
Listen to Lady Liberty-
When she screams rape…”

– Black Krishna, “Brown Shirts’n’Red States”

1 Comment

Filed under Black Krishna

>Mr. Kanye West LIVE on NBC: "George Bush doesn’t care about black people!"


“My forte causes caucausians to say,
He sounds demented, car-weed scented,
If I said it, I meant it,
Bite my tongue for no-one,
Call me evil, or unbelievable…”

– The Notorious B.I.G., “Unbelievable”

Just chillin’ with one of Scarlem’s Finest, Mike Myers, who was unfortunately heavily sedated, Mr. Kanye West speaks the obvious brilliantly…

Kanye West Attacks Bush!

Kanye West used live TV to his advantage when he went into a tirade against President Bush (and the media) during NBC’s Hurricane Katrina fundraiser.

(1 min 39 sec) | 23,528 Views
Yesterday at 7:31 PM (PDT)

Watch Now!


japantoday > world

Kanye West accuses Bush of ignoring black hurricane victims

Sunday, September 4, 2005 at 07:28 JST

WASHINGTON — Hip-hop artist Kanye West accused President George W Bush of not caring about black people on a live television fundraiser for victims of deadly Hurricane Katrina.

Visibly emotional, West broke from the script and attacked the president for the slow response to the humanitarian crisis in the majority black city.

“George Bush doesn’t care about black people!” he said on the NBC show before the cameras cut to another host who put the fundraiser back on track.

West also slammed the media for how it had reported on the crisis.

“I hate the way they portray us in the media. You see a black family, it says, ‘They’re looting.’ You see a white family, it says, ‘They’re looking for food.’ And, you know, it’s been five days waiting for federal help because most of the people are black,” he said.

In a statement released after the broadcast, NBC said the fundraiser “was a live television event wrought with emotion.

“Kanye West departed from the scripted comments that were prepared for him, and his opinions in no way represent the views of the networks,” the company said.

“It would be most unfortunate if the efforts of the artists who participated tonight and the generosity of millions of Americans who are helping those in need are overshadowed by one person’s opinion.”

Sixty-seven percent of the population of New Orleans is African-American according to 2000 U.S. census figures. (Wire reports)

Japan Today Discussion


enemy of tha enemy Click here to see all messages by enemy of tha enemy Click here to see profile of: enemy of tha enemy (Sep 4 2005 – 08:30)
Too bad NBC had no spine and didn’t let him finish the rest, but he kind of summed it up in what he did get out.

You watch, the brownshirts will be in soon to say “Of course he cares about black people! Look at Condi Rice! He promoted her to a top position in his cabinet!”

So Sad

Jillj Click here to see all messages by Jillj Click here to see profile of: Jillj (Sep 4 2005 – 08:46)
You know what is happening in the West? It is total rudeness. Instead of raising funds to help the victims, West used this opportunity to spout more attacks against the President. He changed something that was so good into a political agenda and his moment in the sun. All is does is fuel the hatred in America of a few foolish young men who will follow him.

Login to post your opinion or register now for free.

SOURCE – http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news&cat=8&id=348159


Filed under Black Krishna

>Bush Golfs his way into Hurricane History. (sigh) "It’s been a bloody Huey Long time, so, I’m telling you for Palast time: these guys are PRICKS!!!"


Bush Strafes New Orleans

Where is our Huey Long?
by Greg Palast

Friday, September 2, 2005

The National Public Radio news anchor was so excited I thought she’d piss on herself: the President of the United States had flown his plane down to 1700 feet to get a better look at the flood damage! And there was a photo of our Commander-in-Chief taken looking out the window. He looked very serious and concerned.

That was yesterday. Today he played golf. No kidding.

I’m sure the people of New Orleans would have liked to show their appreciation for the official Presidential photo-strafing, but their surface-to-air missiles were wet.

There is nothing new under the sun. In 1927, a Republican President had his photo taken as the Mississippi rolled over New Orleans. Calvin Coolidge, “a little fat man with a notebook in his hand,” promised to rebuild the state. He didn’t. Instead, he left to play golf with Ken Lay or the Ken Lay railroad baron equivalent of his day.

In 1927, the Democratic Party had died and was awaiting burial. As depression approached, the coma-Dems, like Franklin Roosevelt, called for balancing the budget.

Then, as the waters rose, one politician finally said, roughly, “Screw this! They’re lying! The President’s lying! The rich fat cats that are drowning you will do it again and again and again. They lead you into imperialist wars for profit, they take away your schools and your hope and when you complain, they blame Blacks and Jews and immigrants. Then they push your kids under. I say, Kick’m in the ass and take your rightful share!”

Huey Long laid out a plan: a progressive income tax, real money for education, public works to rebuild Louisiana and America, an end to wars for empire, and an end to financial oligarchy. The waters receded, the anger did not, and Huey “Kingfish” Long was elected Governor of Louisiana in 1928.

At the time, Louisiana schools were free, but not the textbooks. Governor Long taxed Big Oil to pay for the books. Rockefeller’s oil companies refused pay the textbook tax, so Long ordered the National Guard to seize Standard Oil’s fields in the Delta.

Huey Long was called a “demagogue” and a “dictator.” Of course. Because it was Huey Long who established the concept that a government of the people must protect the people, school, house, and feed them and give every man or woman a job who needs one.

Government, he said, “We The People,” not plutocrats nor Halliburtons, must build bridges and levies to keep the waters from rising over our heads. All we had to do was share the nation’s wealth we created as a nation. But that meant facing down what he called the “concentrations of monopoly power” to finance the needs of the public.

In other words, Huey Long founded the modern Democratic Party. Franklin Roosevelt and the party establishment, scared senseless of Long’s ineluctable march to the White House, adopted his program, called it the New Deal, and later The New Frontier and the Great Society.

America and the party prospered.

America could use a Democratic Party again and there’s a rumor it’s alive — somewhere.

And now is the moment, as it was in ’27. As the bodies float in the streets of New Orleans, now is not the time for the Democrats to shirk and slink away, bleating they can’t “politicize” this avoidable disaster.

Seventy-six years ago this week, Huey Long was shot down, assassinated at the age of 43. But the legacy of his combat remains, from Social Security to veterans’ mortgage loans.

There is no such thing as a “natural” disaster. Hurricanes happen, but death comes from official neglect, from tax cuts for the rich that cut the heart out of public protection. The corpses in the street are victims of a class war in which only one side has a general.

Where is our Huey Long? America needs just one Kingfish to stand up and say that our nation must rid itself of the scarecrow with the idiot chuckle, who has left America broken and in danger while he plays tinker-toy Napoleon on other continents.

I realize that the middle of a rising flood is a hell of a bad time to give Democrats swimming lessons; but it’s act up now or we all go under.


A pedagogical note: As I travel around the USA, I’m just horrified at America’s stubborn historical amnesia. Americans, as Sam Cooke said, don’t know squat about history. We don’t learn the names of a nation’s capitol until the 82d Airborne lands there. And it doesn’t count if you’ve watched a Ken Burns documentary on PBS.

I suggest starting with this: read “Huey Long” by the late historian Harry T. Williams. If you want to ease into it, get the Randy Newman album inspired by it (Good Old Boys) with the song, “Louisiana 1927.” Listen to part of the song here. Do NOT watch the crappy right-wing agit-prop film, “Huey Long,” by Ken Burns.

Greg Palast is the author of the New York Times bestseller, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. Subscribe to his commentaries or view his investigative reports for BBC Television at http://www.GregPalast.com.

SOURCE – http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=453&row=0


‘Louisiana 1927’

A song and a tragedy

By Todd Leopold

Thursday, September 1, 2005; Posted: 8:03 a.m. EDT (12:03 GMT)

(CNN) — In 1926 and 1927, the Mississippi River, heavy from months of rain, started bursting its banks.

Land along the river flooded from Illinois on south. Memphis was overrun in the fall of 1926; the waters covered western Mississippi and eastern Louisiana in the months following. Seven hundred thousand people were evacuated or left homeless.

What has happened down here is the wind have changed
Clouds roll in from the north and it start to rain …

New Orleans watched the Mississippi Valley floodwaters nervously. On a single day in April the city had received 14 inches of rain, which put parts of it were under more than six feet of water; the French Quarter had two feet. If a levee broke, the city would be doomed.

Eventually, fearful townspeople prompted the governor to dynamite a levee south of town to relieve the pressure on New Orleans. The city was spared. Others in the state weren’t so lucky.

Rained real hard and it rained for a real long time
Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline …

The flood, as chronicled in John M. Barry’s book “Rising Tide,” led to dramatic changes in the United States. It was a factor in the Great Migration of African-Americans to northern industrial cities, and many of the migrants wrote songs and tales about the Great Flood.

Louisiana, Louisiana, they’re tryin’ to wash us ‘way, they’re tryin’ to wash us ‘way
Louisiana, Louisiana, they’re trying to wash us ‘way, they’re tryin’ to wash us ‘way…

I first heard Randy Newman’s “Louisiana 1927” while growing up in New Orleans. The local radio stations always liked playing songs with Louisiana references: Gary U.S. Bonds’ “New Orleans,” Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Born on the Bayou,” Arlo Guthrie’s “City of New Orleans,” Louisiana LeRoux’s “New Orleans Ladies.” I don’t now if the radio stations knew the history documented in the song or were completely ignorant of it and just liked the title. Whatever they thought, “Louisiana 1927” created its own mesmerizing power.

The song starts with plaintive strings, something out of the 19th century. Then Newman’s humble voice comes on, singing lyrics at once as basic as a newsreel and as majestic as Homer.

The river rose all day, the river rose all night
Some people got lost in the flood, some people got away all right

New Orleans and I didn’t fit; I left as soon as I could. But my heart breaks as I view the floodwaters lapping at building roofs, the city submerged as far as the eye can see.

The river has busted through clear down to Plaquemines
Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline

My mother drove up ahead of the storm Saturday night. She’s OK. But I worry about the house she left behind, about my old high school friends, about the avenues and architecture, about the people missing and homeless all along the devastated Gulf Coast. And my mind can’t stop playing “Louisiana 1927.”

Louisiana, Louisiana…


SOURCE – http://www.cnn.com/2005/SHOWBIZ/08/31/eye.ent.louisiana/


“Fuck “Fair and Balanced” Fox!!!
They ain’t, being subtle,
When they go, hard-right,
They harder-right, for rebuttal!

And fuck CNN!!!
“You can’t trust CNN”
Bum-rush, CNN,
Before they lie to us again!

– Black Krishna, “Chokin’ on Chomsky”


BONUS: Where are we going? (Seriously. We’ve got to find the brakes. Now.)

“Katrina I can’t stop looking in your eyes,
But my words dont come out straight,
I don’t know what to say.
On Monday I tell myself you gotta wait Dave,
Don’t rush it, Don’t anticipate, take it slowly,
It’s ok, It’s ok…”

– David Tao, “Katrina”

Chiggidy-check yo’self…

Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State (2005)

Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America.

Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.

Downloaded: 5,152 times

SOURCE – http://www.archive.org/details/MartialLaw911

MARTIAL LAW 911: RISE OF THE POLICE STATE Information Resource Companion Web Site.

SOURCE – http://www.martiallaw911.info/index.htm

P.S. Here’s an example of documentation from the Martial Law website…

SOURCE – http://martiallaw911.info/policestate.htm


2:24:35 Bush says he intends to spend political capital – c|net News.com, November 4, 2004
2:25:06 Troops to Protect Washington During Bush Inauguration – The Washington Dispatch, November 7, 2004
2:25:51 Gonzales: ‘Bush is above the law’ – Google Search
2:26:33 USA PATRIOT Act (HR 3162) – USA Patriot Act – download a pdf version
2:27:00 President Bush Calls for Renewing the USA PATRIOT Act – TheWhiteHouse.gov, April 19, 2004
2:27:03 COLUMN: Patriot Act 2 threatens personal rights – Kansas State Collegian, March 16, 2004
2:27:08 Homeland Security Agents Visit Toy Store – Associated Press, October 28, 2004
2:27:12 Trademark Infringement Threat to Domestic Security? – Law & Entrepreneurship News, October 29, 2004
2:27:16 HOMELAND SECURITY ARRESTS VET FOR COMPLAINING TOO MUCH – (Article not available) – Related article
2:27:20 EDITORIAL: Patriot Act knows no limits – Las Vegas Review-Journal, November 5, 2003
2:27:25 Ridge backs nat’l standards for ID – The Washington Times/UPI, January 30, 2005
2:27:33 Passports go electronic with new microchip – CSMonitor.com, December 9 2004
2:27:36 U.S. Homeland Security chief calls for international biometric standards – Associated Press, January 19, 2005
2:27:42 House Passes National Driver’s License Standards – NACS Online, February 11, 2005
2:27:45 Driver’s Licenses As National ID? – CBSNews.com/CSMonitor, January 24, 2005
2:27:49 The National ID Trojan Horse – house.gov, February 14, 2005
2:27:54 HR 418- A National ID Bill Masquerading as Immigration Reform – house.gov, February 9, 2005

2:27:58 Police State ID Card Bill Passes Without Congress Even Reading It – Ron Paul Liberty Committee, December 7 2004
2:28:23 Bush plans to screen whole U.S. population for mental illness – World Net Daily, June 21, 2004
2:28:32 New Freedom Initiative/Mandatory Mental Health Screening of American Children Passes – Infowars.com, November 23, 2004
2:28:45 Congress Funds Psychological Tests for Kids – NewsMax, November 24, 2004
2:28:54 IL launches compulsory mental health screening for children and pregnant women – The Illinois Leader, July 19, 2004
2:29:06 Drugged Kids Investigation Sparks State Action – WOAI.com, November 13, 2004 (Article not available)
2:29:10 Lawmakers looking at drug use for foster kids – Associated Press, February 9, 2005
2:29:22 They’re watching on the street – even in the pool surveillance cameras are everywhere – (Article not available) – Related articles
2:29:26 City Unveils Hi-Tech Surveillance System – NBC5.com, January 4, 2005
2:29:30 Overton County schools sued over locker room filming – Tennessean.com, July 1, 2003
2:29:34 Parents demand limits for school cameras – Tennessean.com, July 9, 2003
2:29:35 Prepare to be scanned – Economist.com, December 4, 2003
2:29:39 Spy Cameras Track Drivers in Florida Town – Associated Press/USA Today, April 30, 2004
2:29:44 Tell-all license plates on the way – Drivers.com, December 15, 2002
2:29:48 License-plate scanners lead to recovery of stolen vehicles – toledoblade.com, January 5, 2005
2:29:52 Ford, GM, Honda and Toyota Spy on Motorists – NewsMax, December 29, 2004
2:29:56 30 million cars now record drivers’ behavior – USA Today/CSMonitor, December 27, 2004
2:29:59 Big Brother Takes the Wheel to Improve Driver Safety – ergoweb.com, January 5, 2005
2:30:04 Listening Microphones Hit Streets of Rochester – Infowars.com/Democrat and Chronicle, December 15, 2004
2:30:08 Homeland Security Surveillance Cameras Hit Baltimore – Infowars.com/Howard County Times, December 16, 2004
2:30:31 Fingerprinting Plays Key Roll in Biometrics Boom – TechNewsWorld, January 18, 2005

2:30:37 VISIONICS CORPORATION – Article on aaae.org, October 17, 2001
2:30:44 Mobile Fingerprinting Services Give Ontario Law Enforcement an Edge – PoliceOne.com, July 7, 2004
2:30:48 Licence-plate cameras to trap criminals – TimesOnline.com, November 7, 2004
2:30:52 95.2% Opposed to California DMV Plan to Tax by the Mile – Infowars.com, November 17, 2004
2:30:57 Tax California Drivers by the Mile? – abclocal.go.com, November 17, 2004
2:31:01 DMV Chief Backs Tax by Mile – LATimes.com, November 16, 2004
2:31:04 Satellite to track new toll motorway – news.telegraph.co.uk, August 12, 2004
2:31:31 Students Tracked Via Radio ID Tags – (Article not available) – Related Articles
2:31:37 Under-the-skin ID chips move toward U.S. hospitals – CNET News.com, July 27, 2004
2:31:42 RFID chips may soon be implanted in hospital staff and health care workers – NewsTarget.com
2:31:44 EXCLUSIVE: Microchip Implantation of Club Going Trendies Expands to More Nations – Infowars.com, October 7, 2004
2:31:51 Microchips implanted in Mexican officials – MSNBC/Associated Press, July 14, 2004
2:32:28 The shadow of dictatorship: Bush established secret government after September 11 – wsws.org, March 4, 2002
2:32:32 Congress passes ‘doomsday’ plan – Infowars.com/BostonHearld.com, January 9, 2005
2:32:47 Cigar Aficionado’s Interview with General Tommy Franks – Infowars.com/Cigar Aficionado, December 2003
2:32:51 American armed forces are assuming major new domestic policing and surveillance roles – Infowars.com/LA Times, November 23, 2003
2:32:54 Is Military Creeping Into Domestic Law Enforcement? – Infowars.com/Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2004
2:33:38 TV show is torture for participants – Infowars.com/Cox News Service, February 25, 2005
2:33:40 C4 lines up Guantanamo-style torture show – The Guardian, February 8, 2005

Please report any corrections or broken links


Filed under Black Krishna

>Truthout.org – ‘To Me, It Just Seems Like Black People Are Marked’


‘To Me, It Just Seems Like Black People Are Marked’
By Wil Haygood
The Washington Post

Friday 02 September 2005

Baton Rouge, Louisiana – It seemed a desperate echo of a bygone era, a mass of desperate-looking black folk on the run in the Deep South. Some without shoes.

It was high noon Thursday at a rest stop on the edge of Baton Rouge when several buses pulled in, fresh from the calamity of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

Hundreds piled out, dragging themselves as if floating through some kind of thick liquid. They were exhausted, some crying.

“It was like going to hell and back,” said Bernadette Washington, 38, a black homemaker from Orleans Parish who had slept under a bridge the night before with her five children and her husband. She sighed the familiar refrain, stinging as an old-time blues note: “All I have is the clothes on my back. And I been sleeping in them for three days.”

While hundreds of thousands of people have been dislocated by Hurricane Katrina, the images that have filled the television screens have been mainly of black Americans – grieving, suffering, in some cases looting and desperately trying to leave New Orleans. Along with the intimate tales of family drama and survival being played out Thursday, there was no escaping that race had become a subtext to the unfolding drama of the hurricane’s aftermath.

“To me,” said Bernadette Washington, “it just seems like black people are marked. We have so many troubles and problems.”

“After this,” her husband, Brian Thomas, said, “I want to move my family to California.”

He was holding his 2-year-old, Qadriyyah, in his left arm. On Thomas’s right hand was a crude bandage. He had pushed the hand through a bedroom window on the night of the hurricane to get to one of his children.

“He had meat hanging off his hand,” his wife said. They live – lived – on Bunker Hill Road in Orleans Parish, a mostly black section of New Orleans.

When the hurricane hit, Thomas, a truck driver, said he came home from work, looked at every one of the people he loves, and stood in the middle of the living room. Thinking. He’s the Socrates in the family – but time was running out.

“I only got a five-passenger car,” he said.

“Chevy Cavalier,” said his wife.

“And,” Thomas continued, “I stood there, thinking. I said, ‘Okay, it’s 50-50 if the water will get through.’ “

Within hours the water rose, and it kept rising.

“But then I said, ‘If we do take the car, some of us would be sitting on one another’s laps.’ And the state troopers were talking about making arrests.”

Instead, he pushed the kids out a window. They scooted to the roof, some pulling themselves up with an extension cord.

“The rain was pouring down so hard,” Washington said. “And we had a 3-month-old and a 2-year-old.”

The 3-month-old, Nadirah, was sleeping in her mother’s arms. “All I had was water to give her,” said Washington, her voice breaking, her other children sitting on the concrete putting talcum power inside their soaked sneakers. “She’s premature,” she went on, about the 3-month-old. “She came May 22. Was supposed to be here July 11. I had her early because I have high blood pressure. Had to have her by C-section.”

Bernadette Washington was suddenly worried about her blood pressure medicine. She reached inside her purse. “Look,” she said. “All the pills are stuck together.”

Both parents had been thinking about the hurricane, the aftermath, the looting, the politicians who might come to Louisiana and who might not. And their own holding-on lives, now jangly like bedsprings suddenly snapped.

“It says there’ll come a time you can’t hide. I’m talking about people. From each other,” Bernadette Washington said.

Thomas, the philosopher, waved his bandaged hand. He had a theory: “God’s angry with New Orleans. It’s an evil city. The worst school system anywhere. Rampant crime. Corrupt politicians. Here, baby, have a potato chip for daddy.”

The 2-year-old, Qadriyyah, took a chip from her daddy and gobbled it up. Her face was covered with mosquito bites. But she smiled just to be in daddy’s arms.

Thomas continued: “A predominantly black city – and they’re killing each other. God had to get their attention with a calamity. New Orleans ain’t seen an earthquake yet. You can get away from a hurricane but not an earthquake. Next time, nobody may get out.”

In the middle of the storm, little Ernest Washington, 9, had grown into a hero.

Washington and Thomas consider Ernest, Bernadette’s nephew, their own now. They adopted him after his mother, Donna Marie Washington, died not long ago of AIDS.

“She was a runaway,” said Washington, able to sound sorrowful for the child even in her current straits. “She had run away when she was 14. We don’t know how she got the AIDS.”

While Thomas was figuring his family’s fate that first night, little Ernest bolted to the rooftop.

He had fashioned a white flag on a piece of stick, and began waving. “That is one courageous boy,” Thomas said.

A helicopter passed them by. A National Guard unit passed them by.

“Black National Guard unit, too,” piped in Warren Carter, Washington’s brother-in-law.

In the South, the issue of race – black, white – always seems as ready to come rolling off the tongue as a summer whistle. A black Guard unit, passing them by. Something Carter won’t soon forget.

Before long the whole family, watching the water rise, made it to the roof. Three men in a boat – “two black guys and an Arab,” Washington said – rode by and left some food on the roof of a van parked nearby. Ernest went and retrieved the food.

“A little hustler he is,” Thomas said.

“Child [is] something else,” Washington said.

It took two days for a helicopter to fetch them. They were delivered not to some kind of shelter, but to a patch of land beneath a freeway.

“I thought we were going to die out there,” Bernadette Washington said. “We had to sleep on the ground. Use the bathroom in front of each other. Laying on that ground, I just couldn’t take it. I felt like Job.”

Then, somehow, a bus, and then Baton Rouge. At that moment, a lady – white – came by the rest stop and handed her some baby items.

“Bless you,” Washington said.

That exchange forced something from Warren Carter: “White man came up to me little while ago and offered me some money. I said thank you, but no thanks. I got money to hold us over. But it does go to show you that racism ain’t everywhere.”

Under the hot sun, Brian Thomas was staring into an expanse of open air. They expected another relative to arrive soon and assist them in continuing their exodus.

SOURCE – http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/090205D.shtml


“Open your eyes and look within:
Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?
We know where we’re going;
We know where we’re from.
We’re leaving babylon, y’all!
We’re going to our father’s land.

Exodus, all right! movement of jah people!
Exodus: movement of jah people!
Movement of jah people!
Movement of jah people!
Movement of jah people!
Movement of jah people!

Move! move! move! move! move! move! move!”

– Bob Marley, “Exodus”

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Filed under Black Krishna